(of liquids) that can be mixed together in all proportions
Why are some pairs of liquids miscible in each other in all proportions, while other pairs do not mix at all, or only to a limited extent?
All the above mentioned products, with the exception of some formulations of PVA mountants, are not miscible water.
For example, methanal, ethanal and propanone - the common small aldehydes and ketones - are miscible with water in all proportions.
It is almost insoluble in water, is miscible with absolute alcohol and ether, and dissolves sulphur, phosphorus, resins and caoutchouc. On exposure to the air it dries to a solid resin, and absorbing oxygen gives off ozone - a reaction utilized in the disinfectant called "Sanitas."
It is miscible in all proportions with water, alcohol and ether.
In these two instances the component crystals are miscible in all proportions; but this is by no means always the case.
For simplicity we confine ourselves to mixtures of two components, in which experience shows that three cases are to be recognized according as the components are (I) completely immiscible, (2) partially miscible, (3) miscible in all proportions.
When distilling a mixture of partially miscible components a distillate of constant composition is obtained so long as two layers are present, i.e.
The distillation of completely miscible mixtures is the most common practically and the most complex theoretically.
It may happen that the crystals do not form double salts, and are only miscible in certain proportions.
It is miscible in all proportions with alcohol, ether and water.
As the distillation proceeded one layer would diminish more rapidly than the other until only the latter would remain; this would then distil as a completely miscible mixture.