A synthetic opioid analgesic, used to wean addicts off heroin or other opiate based narcotics, and in chronic pain management.
These could include alternative forms of injectable opioid maintenance using longer-acting agonists such as methadone and partial agonists such as buprenorphine.
Most doctors treating heroin dependency prescribe methadone, a less expensive synthetic opiate requiring a single daily dose to prevent withdrawal symptoms.
They should be read by all those interested in methadone maintenance and drug treatment in general.
There is much more to the care of drug users than prescribing methadone.
The national policy on heroin treatment is to dispense methadone to be consumed orally, every day, in the presence of the pharmacist.
For the last two months I have been receiving methadone every morning.
In some parts of England, this model has been followed with community pharmacists playing an important role in supervising patients taking oral methadone.
It is illegal to sell or give methadone to anyone else.
Firstly cost, injectable methadone is roughly twice the price of methadone mixture.
Examples of detoxification regimes using oral methadone are shown in the above table.
It would be short-sighted for any health care professional to assume that, once on prescribed methadone, all users are stabilized.
Correspondingly, there is severely questionable recovery when being prescribed regular methadone while working a Twelve Step program.
The move to more high dose methadone along with the current evidence has been slow progress.
The cost per heroin free day, compared with no prison methadone, was estimated.
Now addicts are being offered the heroin substitute methadone.
Most relate to heroin and misuse of the synthetic opiate, methadone.
Methadone is a synthetic opioid used to replace heroin in the treatment of dependency.
Methadone is an opiate substitute and is synthesized from the raw materials found in the opium poppy.
You might be organizing free delivery for housebound people, or supervising the heroin substitute methadone and helping a patient 's recovery from addiction.
Slowly, like a heroin addict weaned off by methadone, I had the inside of my head adjusted.
The only other patient at the time was a guy coming off methadone, and all he did was pace the halls for days.
Additionally, medications like methadone or buprenorphine may be given to patients during the treatment process.
With correct usage, methadone does not interfere in daily activities.
One highly effective treatment is the methadone maintenance method.
Methadone is a synthetic opiate that can block the "rush" from heroin for up to 24 hours.
The addict tried rehabilitation centers, Narcotics Anonymous and a methadone program twice, but it didn't help.
Instead of going through detox during the pregnancy and risking a miscarriage or giving birth too soon, a pregnant woman who is addicted to heroin will likely be treated with methadone.
When the mother is given methadone, the baby is born with a dependence to the drug, but this can be managed after birth.
After several weeks and two autopsies, the official cause of death was listed as an accidental overdose of prescription drugs, including Zoloft and methadone.
Anna Nicole Smith died from an accidental overdose of "methadone, anti-anxiety and weight-reducing drugs and, possibly, vitamins, among other substances," according to People magazine.
When Anna Nicole Smith's autopsy results were released, it said her February 8, 2007 death was from an accidental overdose of "methadone, anti-anxiety and weight-reducing drugs and, possibly, vitamins, among other substances."
Anna Nicole Smith's 2007 death was officially ruled an accidental overdose after toxicology reports found that she had taken eight prescription drugs, such as methadone and other opiates.
Anna Nicole Smith died shortly after her son, Daniel, who also died of an overdose of prescription drugs and methadone.
A substance (such as methadone in the case of heroin addiction) may be substituted for the original substance of abuse, with gradual tapering of this substituted drug.
In practice, many patients may be maintained on methadone and lead a reasonably normal life style.
For example, methadone is used to help patients adjust to the tapering of heroin use.
Opiate dependence is a serious problem and the effects of methadone treatment during pregnancy is a pressing concern in public health.
Methadone is a synthetic opiate that can treat individuals who live with chronic pain, but its most common use is treating patients who have opiate addictions, especially heroin.
Sometimes, it is necessary for a pregnant woman to use methadone treatments, in spite of her condition.
The effects of methadone treatment during pregnancy is a major concern for women trying to overcome an addition while they are expecting.
Methadone treatments in pregnancy are not associated with an increased risk of congenital abnormalities in infants, but the primary concern is dependency in the developing baby.
The fact that methadone goes through the placenta and reaches the baby is very distressing for expectant moms in treatment.
While all babies exposed to methadone have withdrawals after birth, some may require treatment to lessen the withdrawal symptoms.
Methadone can lead to serious withdrawals in newborns, but doctors consider it to be a much better option than pregnancy problems related to heroin use.
Little is known about the long term effects of prenatal use of methadone.
In addition, both the mother and the baby metabolize the methadone, which leads to a need for an increase.
Methadone is a synthetic opiate, but it is a safer alternative to staying on heroin or other opiates and it is safer than withdrawing abruptly.