The middle of the three segments of the thorax of an insect, carrying the second pair of legs, and the forewings when present.
Prothorax small, intimately united to mesothorax.
The mesothorax and metathorax are rather intimately fused together.
The number of spiracles is greatly reduced; in the adult a pair is present on the mesothorax, sometimes also a pair on the metathorax, and there is always a pair on the first and another pair on the eighth abdominal segment.
The males are very small, free-flying insects with the prothorax, mesothorax and elytra greatly reduced, the latter appearing as little, twisted strips, while the metathorax is relatively large, with its wings broad and capable of longitudinal folding.
Two pairs of wings are present in the vast majority of insects, borne respectively on the mesothorax and metathorax.
Prothorax small, and united to mesothorax.
In the thorax the pronotum and prosternum are closely associated with the mesothorax, but the pleura of the prothorax are usually shifted far forwards, so that the forelegs are inserted just behind the head.
The Siricidae (" wood-wasps ") are large elongate insects also with one spine on each fore-shin, but with the pronotum closely joined to the mesothorax.
The Embiidae are feeble, somewhat soft-skinned insects with the prothorax small and the mesothorax and metathorax elongate.
A remarkable feature is the frequent concrescence of mesothorax and metathorax and in some cases, even, their fusion with the anterior abdominal segments.
The prothorax is short and the mesothorax very long, the three pairs of legs closely similar, the wings often highly modified or absent, and the cerci short and unjointed.
Among the longhorn beetles, the prothorax scrapes over a median file on the mid-dorsal aspect of the mesothorax.