Showing mercy
God is merciful, birdie.
The famous letter to Pliny about the Christians is, according to Roman ideas, merciful and considerate.
Be merciful, as your Father is merciful; and judge not, and ye shall not be judged."
Strict discipline was maintained, soldiers being hanged for stealing chickens; faith was always kept; and short, sharp action was more merciful in the long run than a milder but less effective policy.
The chronicler who records his death prays that "God may be merciful to him, for he was a very great king."
He is not merciful.
The Egyptians were not merciful to them in all their painful work.
Do not backbite One Another In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Wherefore, be thou ever merciful unto us sinners.
If you're feeling merciful tho, you can also offer food to the prisoners to try and loosen their tongues.
For if thou hast desired to have pity on us, who have no works of righteousness, then thou wilt be called merciful.
For a long time his wife begged him to be merciful.
It was beyond Wynn's control, but maybe, somehow, another deity was able to save Deidre from Darkyn, who was not likely to be merciful, even to his mate.
One merciful provision, however, had existed from time immemorial, and that was [the puuhonuas] sacred inclosures, places of refuge, into which those who fled in time of war, or from any violent pursuer, might enter and be safe.
While the foreign word Rahman is, in accordance with its origin, everywhere in the Koran to be understood as " Merciful," there is some doubt as to Rahim.
On the outbreak of the Civil War the Catholics naturally sided with the king, and a great many fell fighting for the royalist cause; towards the survivors Cromwell was unexpectedly merciful.
In the hour of danger he was undismayed, as in the hour of victory he was just and merciful.
We finally cornered them and suffice to say were not very merciful.
I knew it wasn't snow; too merciful.
Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.
Imagine my relief as the anesthetic finally brought merciful oblivion.
It was spoken by Moses a little before his death, to establish the people in God's merciful providence.
Do you ask Wisdom to be merciful and not punish sin?
He is inclined to be merciful to the gladiators who display virtus or ` manly virtue ' .
Garrisoned only by 1500 Venetians, the city was carried by storm (March I, 1428); the merciful precedent set by Mahommed I.
God is " all truth, all knowledge, all bliss, boundless, almighty, just, merciful, unbegotten, without a beginning, incomparable, the support and Lord of all, all-pervading, omniscient, imperishable, immortal, eternal, holy, and the cause of the universe; worship is due to him alone.
A merciful approach to justice contrasted with vengeful human justice.
He is inclined to be merciful to the gladiators who display virtus or ` manly virtue '.
It would have been well if Kossuth had had something more of Gdrgei's calculated ruthlessness, for, as has been truly said, the revolutionary power he had seized could only be held by revolutionary means; but he was by nature soft-hearted and always merciful; though often audacious, he lacked decision in dealing with men.
He was merciful as a conqueror, stern as a disciplinarian, enterprising and wary as a general; while his courage, loyalty and forbearance seem to have been almost unsullied.
His interests were secular and he was certainly proud and ambitious; but Stubbs has pictured the fairer side of his character when he observes that Beaufort "was merciful in his political enmities, enlightened in his foreign policy; that he was devotedly faithful, and ready to sacrifice his wealth and labour for the king; that from the moment of his death everything began to go wrong, and 'went worse and worse until all was lost."
He is described as being generous to excess, free from cupidity, merciful to his vanquished enemies, and strictly continent, but subject to violent bursts of anger and possessed of unyielding pride and fanatical religious zeal.
The emperor was merciful enough to leave it in possession of its privileges, but he inflicted a fine of 80,000 gold gulden, and until October 1547 the citizens had to endure the presence of from 8000 to 10,000 soldiers.
In these Orestes is the guilt-laden mortal who is purified from his sin by the grace of the gods, whose merciful justice is shown to all persons whose crime is mitigated by extenuating circumstances.
The constitutional party in the legislature desired a toleration of the nonjuring clergy, the repeal of the laws against the relatives of the émigrés, and some merciful discrimination toward theémigrésthemselves.