Tune; sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase
The melody grew and passed from one instrument to another.
He coaxed one melody after another from the old piano, and then finally he folded the lid down.
Sheppard set the words to a traditional English melody.
The slight reverb and the occasionally whammy on the chord really accentuate what is a very simple and effective melody.
Think of thrash, grunge and metal bands that have an ear for a good melody, thoughtful lyrics and the occasional string section.
The first and most traditional way is to write out the melody and then harmonize it.
Some fine clarinet playing held the melody, and created the haunting swooping stops and nuances which typifies the music.
Big Themes/Standout Tracks John David Webster has an ear for a good melody, and many of these songs are instantly hummable.
Performing ten " compositions " and two completely improvised pieces, there is a complete abandonment of anything approaching melody.
At one point a Balkan melody seemed to emerge at others a ghostly pibroch.
The melody is played with the other hand on the longer string using a plectrum made from a small piece of wood or bark.
Us is an almost traditional love song, with strings lapping at its pop melody.
Create a question and answer melody, with two parts using contrasting timbres.
Melody tones This allows you to select from a range of pre-set options, which ringing tone your phone will operate with.
Its melody is less complex, and a solo viol would bring it out much better.
Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs, for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.
The perfectly picked intro had a jazzy feel and I liked the catchy chorus, which lifted up into quite an upbeat melody.
Prime/target pairs sharing the vocalic melody but not the CV-Skeleton consistently failed to prime.
Melody Thomas Scott began her training as a working actress at the tender age of three years old.
In 2009, fans of The Young and the Restless were stunned when Melody Thomas Scott left the daytime drama she had appeared on for 30 years.
The Halo Theme (the first song) is turned into a Mjolnir mix, with more guitars added for more melody.
Heretic Hero is not overdone and introduces different elements at the perfect times, like a speedier drum sequence to the slower melody.
The ring and melody which they all possess is their chief beauty.
It's an understated, slow-paced ballad with a pleasant melody, and some lovely acoustic guitar refrains.
His operas, for all their daintiness and melody, no longer hold the stage; the Masses in which he praised God with a cheerful heart " have been condemned by the severer decorum of our own day; of his oratorios the Creation alone survives.
It 's an understated, slow-paced ballad with a pleasant melody, and some lovely acoustic guitar refrains.
He slowed his pace, sauntering along with his hands in his pockets, whistling her melody.
The Scherzo 's central section begins sotto voce, the melody almost hidden in the alto voice.
Melody Tones This allows you to select from a range of pre-set options, which ringing tone your phone will operate with.
Transcribed from the original recordings, with drum charts, melody line & chord symbols.
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio-Numerous individual Einstein products have won the "Gold Award", including the Lullaby Classics CD, the Melody and Motion activity toy and the Baby Einstein hippo, octopus and dragon bath puppets.
Allow yourself to be enveloped by the soft melody as it blends perfectly with the harmonic jazz undertones.
You can identify with the words, which helps you feel less alone in your situation, or just let the softness of the melody take your stress away.
The couple has two children together - Lily-Rose Melody (born in 1999) and Jack (born in 2002).
The background music, Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers, has become synonymous with this romantic and sexually charged moment from Ghost.
You get tabs, chords with diagrams, standard musical notation, vocal melody lines and lyrics.
Skynyrd fans who are interested in the guitar riffs and melody lines of their greatest hits, as well as their lesser known songs, have many options to go to when seeking out tabs for their favorite band.
Following these basic instructions, you can also learn to pluck out a melody line when the fret indications are staggared along the lines, rather than aligned from top to bottom as they are for chords.
As a result, Jack's guitar work must balance being both melody and rhythm.
Sometimes the melodies played on the guitar follow a song's vocal melody.
A famous example of a single note tag line melody can be heard in the Tom Petty and the Heartbreaker's song, Breakdown.
His ability to play both an alternating bass line and a beautiful melody simultaneously seems impossible until you study his techniques very carefully.
For others, tablature is much easier - although it doesn't highlight the melody or dynamics of the song.
Soon you'll be able to play both the chords and the melody of this great jazz classic.
Rather, any guitar or instrument accompaniment goes along with the melody of the song.
Amenities include a swimming pool shaped like a guitar and the Melody Hall gaming and arcade facility.
Regardless of the level you play, the arrows speed along with the music and arrows usually follow the beat, lyrics, or melody of the song.
And believe me when I say you better know these songs inside and out if you are going to play the Hard or Expert levels because the sequence of the arrows will usually follow the verses, the chorus, or some bass groove or melody.
Others offer the chord and lyric information only, leaving it up to you to find the appropriate melody and pacing.
In each of the theme songs, the basic melody was used, but you may find that drums, orchestration, other keyboards, and brass instruments have been added to parallel the times.