In a mechanical manner.
He moved mechanically out of the single large kitchen in the underground lair.
Mechanically, he rolled his sleeve and pricked his wrist.
The gas is in all probability only mechanically retained in the minerals in which it is found.
She continued to exercise her vocal organs mechanically, as ordinary children do.
Knowledge is regarded as a mechanical product, part furnished by the subject, part given to the subject, and is thus viewed as mechanically divisible into a priori and a posteriori, into pure and empirical, necessary and contingent.
Self-consciousness cannot be regarded as merely a mechanically determined result.
Not in the sphere of cognition, where objects are mechanically determined, but in that of will or of reason as practical.
Furthermore, we have become fully attuned to mechanically mediated human communication.
The values formed from direct copying have usually been created either mechanically or subconsciously, and hence are usually enshrouded in confusion and self-deception.
Mechanically, it is similar to Canon's popular entry-level digital SLR, the Digital Rebel XT.
Floating - With the floating installation method the floor is not mechanically fastened to any part of the subfloor.
These locomotives were mechanically fired and could produce in the region of 3000 drawbar horsepower.
Crystals are also subject to aging and mechanically induced noise.
Target plants are mechanically inoculated by rubbing leaves or by dipping tomato roots into diluted inoculum.
The policy of mechanically " liquidating the kulak " is now in effect discarded.
As mosquitoes were already known to mechanically transmit myxomatosis, the team used this disease as a model system.
Any ' mechanically propelled ' vehicle used or kept on a public road must display a valid tax disk.
The enzyme will now be constructed using AMBER, and the active site treated quantum mechanically.
The huge circular skylight actually opened mechanically to the sky.
Researchers, therefore, have strong reasons to suspect that a number of species transmit trypanosomes mechanically.
Typically unilateral, posterior headache that can be precipitated mechanically.
Ventilation in enclosed or mechanically ventilated areas can also be assessed using tracer gas techniques.
Removal can be done mechanically, by cutting the nail away, or with chemicals.
Two mechanically dressed and left his room.
He changed mechanically, as if accustomed to removing bloody clothing several times a day.
Even if the slide itself is mechanically perfect, the irregularity in the thickness of the lubricating oil between the bearing surfaces of the slide is apt to produce a variable error.
But whilst all the organic processes in man go on mechanically, and though by reflex action he may repel attack unconsciously, still the first affirmation of the system was that man was essentially a thinking being; and, while we retain this original dictum, it must not be supposed that the mind is a mere spectator, or like the boatman in the boat.
To sacrifice phrasing, and distinctness in real partwriting, to a crude imitation of the richness produced mechanically on the harpsichord by drawing 4-ft.
In the second, or " braking off " method, the brake is automatically applied by a spring or weight, and is released either mechanically or, in the case of electric cranes, by the pull of a solenoid or magnet which is energized by the current passing through the motor.
The word is still sometimes employed in this sense, as of the ship's telegraph, by means of which orders are mechanically transmitted from the navigating bridge to the engine room, but when used without qualification it usually denotes telegraphic apparatus worked by electricity, whether the signals that express the words of the message are visual, auditory or written.
The diaphragms of these are mechanically connected to a small mirror and control its movement in accordance with the strength and direction of the received currents.
The recorder coil is connected mechanically to a second similar coil, which is suspended between the poles of a laminated magnet, so that the motions of the two are similar.
So long as they are connected together mechanically they have apparently the power of influencing one another in various ways, and of passing liquid or gaseous materials from one to another.
British railways also undertake the collection and delivery of freight, in addition to transporting it, and thus an extensive range of vans and wagons, whether drawn by horses or mechanically propelled, must be provided in connexion with an important station.
But the exact meaning which he attaches to such expressions is not quite clear; and they occur, moreover, only incidentally and with the air of current phrases mechanically repeated.
But he did not receive the impress passively and mechanically.
Yet, despite the discontent seething in many quarters, France responded to his appeal for troops; but she did so mechanically and without hope.
The work done includes a concrete dock, mechanically equipped to convey freight between river and railways.
The theme thus shows no trivial connexion with a stage-property, mechanically important in the plot; but it represents the desire for power, and what that desire means to each different type of mind.
Dry steam is steam free from mechanically mixed water particles; wet steam, on the other hand, contains water particles in suspension.
Most of the rubber now manufactured is not combined with sulphur when in the form of sheets, but is mechanically incorporated with about one-tenth of its weight of that substance by means of the mixing rollers - any required pigment or other matter, such as whiting or barium sulphate, being added.
When it is mechanically hardened by hammering, rolling or wire-drawing its permeability may be greatly diminished, especially under a moderate magnetizing force.
It has been suggested 2 that an iron rod under magnetization may be in the same condition as if under a mechanically applied longitudinal stress tending to shorten the iron.
A very small difference in the constitution often produces a remarkable effect upon the magnetic quality, and it unfortunately happens that those alloys which are hardest magnetically are generally also hardest mechanically and extremely difficult to work; they might however be used rolled or as castings.
Now the unstable movements of the needles are of a mechanically irreversible character; the energy expended in dissociating the members of a combination and placing them in unstable positions assumes the kinetic form when the needles turn over, and is ultimately frittered down into heat.
Exercises in the collection of coefficients of various letters occurring in a complicated expression are usually performed mechanically, and are probably of very little value.
All these and many subsequent attempts to utilize it, either loose or mechanically compressed in any way, signally failed.
And as the personal element disappears in the conception of the prophetic calling, so it tends to disappear in the prophetic view of history, and the future comes to be conceived not as the organic result of the present under the divine guidance, but as mechanically determined from the beginning in the counsels of God, and arranged under artificial categories of time.
In endeavouring to make a pan of less power do as much and as good work as one of greater power, they have imagined many ingenious mechanical contrivances, such as currents produced mechanically to promote evaporation and crystallization, feeding the pan from many points in order to spread the feed equally throughout the mass of sugar being cooked, and so on.
In the best-appointed refineries the whole of the work in connexion with the char is performed mechanically, with the exception of packing the filter cisterns with fresh char and emptying the spent and washed char on to the carrying bands.