To lament.
To intend.
To convey (a meaning).
To have conviction in (something said or expressed); to be sincere in (what one says).
Does she really mean what she said to him last night?
To cause or produce (a given result); to bring about (a given result).
One faltering step means certain death.
(usually with to) To be of some level of importance.
Formality and titles mean nothing in their circle.
I didn't mean to scare you.
What do you mean by that?
I mean, one you have a chance of winning.
I mean, that they didn't feel this way all the time.
I don't mean to insult them.
But because it can be misused doesn't mean it cannot be used well.
I did not mean to hurt you.
I mean, there are different kinds of love.
Does that mean I'm supposed to change, or that what I'm wearing is considered casual?
I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
No, I mean you're too trusting.
I didn't mean to be so disrespectful.
I don't mean to chase you out.
Ending war does not mean compromising values.
I didn't mean to hit you.
I mean really serious?
I mean really big trouble.
What do you mean, a woman like me?
You mean climb trees?
What do they mean to you?
I mean... about the ranch - and men?
I don't know what I mean except I can't stop dreaming of little children, all hurt and bleeding and I don't want to see them because it hurts too much, but I can't block them out!
She didn't mean anything by it and she loves you, just not in that way and she was very drunk.
You don't mean him no harm, do you?
Just because I dropped at your feet whenever you called for five years doesn't mean I'll do it now.
I mean, why else did you want to ask me out to dinner at the end?
But that doesn't mean I believe in it as punishment.
I didn't mean to get her pregnant but we're both happy it happened.
Do you mean The Lucky Pup?
But I mean, of course he will.
I mean, I wanted to protect him.
I mean, he always was a sweet talker.
What do you mean you're leaving?
You know what I mean.
I mean... he rode ahead so he could make arrangements before you arrived.
Oh, he's not mean.
I mean, there would be the cost of drapes, rugs, pictures and other things.
I mean, he isn't interested in women.
You mean you didn't know that, either?
I mean, he's a twenty eight year old man, for heavens' sake.
Does that mean we can't indulge in a little innocent affection now and then?
I mean, you did visit her the night before, and I thought maybe you two were...
I noticed you were a good looking woman, if that's what you mean.
You mean the accident?
What do you mean?
I mean this stays with the five of us.
I don't mean to tell you anything.
I mean; I don't really know, do I?
No, I don't mean that.
It won't mean anything, Ben.