A title of nobility for a man ranking beneath a duke and above an earl.
Besides many hundreds of princes, dukes, marquesses, counts, barons and viscounts, there are a large number of persons of patrician rank, persons with a right to the designation nobile or signor-i, and certain hereditary knights or cavalieri.
Almendralejo is a thriving town, with broad streets and good modern houses; including the palace of the marquesses of Monsalud, which contains a museum of Roman antiquities discovered in the neighbourhood.
According to tradition Iestynap-Gwrgan, the last prince of Glamorgan, had a residence somewhere near the present town, but Fitzhamon, on his conquest of Glamorgan, gave the district between the Neath and the Tawe to Richard de Granaville (ancestor of the Granvilles, marquesses of Bath), who built on the west banks of the Neath first a castle and then in 112 9 a Cistercian abbey, to whose monks he later gave all his possessions in the district.
He fought in many campaigns against the dauphins of Viennois, the counts of Genevois, the people of Sion and Geneva, the marquesses of Saluzzo and Montferrat, and the barons of Faucigny.
The golden circlet was confined to dukes and marquesses till 1 444, when Henry VI.
Longleat, a seat of the marquesses of Bath, lies 5 m.
Two manors of Padstow are mentioned later - the prior of Bodmin's manor, which included the rectory, and a manor which passed from the Bonvilles to the Greys, marquesses of Dorset, both of which were eventually acquired by the family of Prideaux.
In 1191 it bought up the territorial claims of the marquesses Del Carretto.
Few of the buildings of Gijon are noteworthy for any architectural merit, except perhaps the 15th-century parish church of San Pedro, which has a triple row of aisles on each side, the palace of the marquesses of Revillajigedo (or Revilla Gigedo), and the Asturian Institute or Jovellanos Institute.
The younger sons of dukes and marquesses have, by courtesy, the title of Lord prefixed to the Christian and surname, e.g.