Containing manganese in its higher oxidation states.
Both are easily removed by passing chlorine through the cold solution, to produce ferric and manganic salt, and then digesting the liquid with a washed precipitate of basic carbonate, produced from a small portion of the solution by means of sodium carbonate.
It is necessary that it should be as pure as possible since the commercial product usually contains traces of ferric, manganic and aluminium oxides, together with some silica.
Yet, unlike potassium or lead, it forms a feebly basic sesquioxide similar to manganic oxide, Mn203.
It dissolves in water forming manganic acid, H 2 Mn0 4.
It crystallizes in large pink crystals, the colour of which is probably due to the presence of a small quantity of manganic sulphate or of a cobalt sulphate.
Manganic Fluoride, MnF3, a solid obtained by the action of fluorine on manganous chloride, is decomposed by heat into manganous fluoride and fluorine.
These salts are derived from manganic acid H 2 Mn0 4.