In a magical manner; by magic, or as if by magic.
Rather, he magically appeared at the Sanctuary.
They all just seemed to be magically trained.
It is possible that these incantations were recited as part of the funerary ritual, but there is no doubt that their mere presence in the tombs was supposed to be magically effective for the welfare of the dead.
The same idea pervades old medical treatises; for a drug was not a chemical substance taking effect naturally on the human system, but something into which a supernatural virtue had been magically introduced, in order the more easily and efficaciously to be brought to bear upon the patient.
The mere recitation of such similar cases with their happy issue was supposed to be magically effective; for almost unlimited power was supposed to be inherent in mere words.
No one diet is going to magically make your belly fat disappear.
Sam Lakeman 's piano lines still ripple magically alongside Cara 's ethereal vocals.
Just bear in mind that it will work primarily by strengthening the abdominal muscles, not magically melting off fat.
The magically empowered lashes seek your supple skin hungrily and form painful pulsating welts and bleeding wounds !
A room that was once dull and boring magically becomes an awe inspiring living space when spruced up with a fresh coat of paint.
An amazing eye product designed to magically improve the overall appearance of the whole eye area is their Well-Rested Eye Shadow.
As dirt magically appears on the doll, kids can use the magic washcloth to make the baby clean again.
Surprize Ink Game Book entertains as the child colors the games and pictures, and secret images magically appear as the enclosed marker moves across the page.
They can't magically fix your financial problems, but they can help you better understand how you're spending your money.
They're somewhat chunky for sneakers, so don't expect a pair of white canvas Keds with wheels that magically descend with the jerk of your ankle.
Toning sneakers are not meant to replace daily exercise or make you magically slim, but they can be a healthy option when you need a toning solution that requires less work.
You probably already have halfway decent abs right now if you could magically peel away the covering.
Doing crunches and other ab exercises ad nauseum will not magically melt off the fat covering them, revealing flat abs in the process.
The Foo Fighters didn't just magically form out of the ashes of what was left of Nirvana after Kurt Cobain's death in 1994.
Just because you're writing well, and using keywords that are focused on what people are searching for, doesn't mean you'll have a magically profitable blog overnight.
Feitico is sometimes interpreted to mean artificial, made by man, but the original sense is more probably "magically active or artful."
Humans invent abstract mathematics, basically making it up out of their imaginations, yet math magically turns out to describe the world.
Perhaps it was the charming puppet that magically came to life on your mother's hand.
I threw them in the air, and as they fell to the floor, the silk magically became spotty.
And how come the Emperor can magically turn any random underling into a powerfull Dark Jedi all of a sudden?
Intent on finding an elixir that that could magically restore vim and vigor, he sailed far and wide in search of his dream.
The magically empowered lashes seek your supple skin hungrily and form painful pulsating welts and bleeding wounds!
The dolls had immediately become the reality, and normal scale had magically shrunk by fifty percent.
Did you know that bonding with baby may not magically happen?
Luckily for us dads, society believes that a man handling a baby is probably distressed (as opposed to a mom who is expected to magically know everything about babies).
Mix in some toile fabrics and voila, you can pretend you have been magically transported to a villa in Provence.
When the fresh laurel leaves dry out, this wreath is magically transformed into a true work of art with a coat of spray paint and some nutty accents and twigs topped off with dazzling berries.
Designed as a nighttime treatment to magically plump the lips as you sleep, it can also be used under other lip products during the day.
Some kind of barrier "magically" shows up to prevent you from leaving.
This is the big game-buying season; the time when parents' pursestrings magically loosen and good boys and girls get big expensive electronic toys for the winter.
Your Sim will magically return to the game screen with all, but their "Fun" and "Bathroom" bars completely full.
This look is perfect for medium to long hair and works magically with corset or bustier type dresses.
Both frogs sparkle and shine "magically" thanks to velvety sequined fabric.
Keep in mind that even with a 30-day response time required by law, simple errors may take months to correct and all three bureaus dealt with at the same time so negative data doesn't magically reappear.
Use a white or light colored crayon to draw on the egg, then dye it a dark color to see your design magically appear.
She had a beautiful apartment, a wardrobe, a pantry that magically restocked itself every time she left the place.
In an act of justice, the wizard ant Zoc magically shrinks Lucas to the size of an ant.
Sam Lakeman's piano lines still ripple magically alongside Cara's ethereal vocals.
Using these sensors that react to brain waves, a biofeedback device, this character can magically make his light go off and then on again.
The griffins, of course, were magically constructed.