Exaggerated masculinity
All of the men in the family tried to prove their machismo by watching football instead of helping prepare food.
The boys fighting over a girl in the schoolyard was a classic display of machismo.
His over-the-top personality was a mixture of confidence, humor, and a slight bit of machismo.
Samantha adores men that have sensitive and sweet characteristics instead of tough guys always trying to show machismo.
Beneath the bluster and machismo, he was - both his grandson and Bogdanovich insist - an immensely cultured, well-read man.
Hoo har What is it those American gung hoo har What is it those American gung ho soldiers shout in movies with that throat clearing burst of machismo?
Acts of political machismo could herald serious danger during the electioneering period.
The masculine image of contemporary queer fashion thus embodies the eroticism of maleness without the violent menace of heterosexual machismo.
That causing religious offense should be regarded a sign of western machismo is obscene.
There's a certain machismo about who can take the most calls.
Latin American cultures have traditionally had a great respect for machismo but women are now tiring of this aggressive masculinity.
Macho men male machismo has much to answer for.
Fortunately Ripley's feminine machismo wins the day, as she blows the queen out the airlock.