In the International System of Units, the derived unit of illuminance or illumination; one lumen per square metre. Symbol: lx
Both dawns had a maximum illuminance of 275 lux.
The publication in 1889 of Lux Mundi, a series of essays attempting to harmonize Anglican Catholic doctrine with modern thought, was a severe blow to him, for it showed that even at the Pusey House, established as the citadel of Puseyism at Oxford, the principles of Pusey were being departed from.
For many years Archdeacon Denison represented the extreme High Tory party not only in politics but in the Church, regarding all "progressive" movements in education or theology as abomination, and vehemently repudiating the "higher criticism" from the days of Essays and Reviews (1860) to those of Lux Mundi (1890).
The organization of this activity will be made evident through a ' betting shop ' in the LUX gallery space.
For this study the lighting control was defined with a set point of 500 lux as the required illuminance for office use.
The average horizontal illuminance over the whole area on the unobstructed floor should not be less than 1 lux.
I measured 200 lux, which, compared with Ankara's 3000 lux was to say the least, a little surprising.
Over half of the frames, where the levels were measured, exceeded 1,000 lux!
The Wilhelm Institute, an independent testing facility currently uses 35000 lux.
Trying to achieve 100,000 lux light therapy at home brings up loads of safety issues that I would like professional help with.
Nowell sing we now all and some, For Rex Pacificus is come, O lux beata trinitas.
Kodak's Endura remains our recommended color pap Kodak Supra Endura, Luster Lux.
Lux models came with wood trim, velour seats, tinted windows, delay wash wipe & a few other goodies.
Other available Luxottica clip-ons include the Lux 1532 and the Lux 1020T.
Inspired and endorsed by Burrow, the Billabong Lux board shorts are part of the Signature series and feature a unique print with embroidered and appliquéd logos.
My fitness apparel line is called JNL LUX Active Wear by Fiu Fiu launching Spring/Summer 2007.
I am also busy designing signature pieces for my JNL LUX Active Wear Line, and am in pre-production for my Exercise DVD Series out also in 2007.
Stephen Lux, President and CEO of Gemesis, a company that produces quality, lab-created diamonds explains, "Diamond-like materials such as cubic zirconium, moissanite and diamond-coated materials are not diamond.
Lux clarifies, "Gemesis lab-created diamonds are unique in that they are real, with identical chemical, optical and physical characteristics to natural diamonds."
Lux explains, "Gemesis lab-created diamonds have the same properties as those that are mined, and they emerge as rough diamonds.
Differentiating these stones from natural diamonds can be difficult, but as Lux notes, "it is possible with sophisticated gemological equipment."
Lux explains that the Gemesis Diamond Company utilizes both of these processes.
Lux notes, "Both gem-quality colorless and yellow Gemesis-created diamonds retail for significantly less than their mined counterparts.
Lux explains, "We are committed to maintaining supply chain integrity and providing knowledge of product origin.
Jones vied for Lux's (Britt Robertson) heart when the troubled, former foster child came to school.
Actor Austin Butler sat down with Love To Know Soap Operas to discuss Jones' interest in Lux, the Cassidy family and Life Unexpected.
Season two of Life Unexpected revisits the lives of Cate and Baze and the daughter Cate gave up for adoption Lux.
Life Unexpected is the story of how Lux finds her parents and her parents find her and the unexpected twists and turns their lives take as they try to become a family.
With Lux's former boyfriend Bug out of the picture, season two is Jones' chance to be with Lux.
The twist is, when he meets Lux, who is unlike any other girl he knows, he can't have her.
Turtle Undefeated (15 February 2010) - Lux volunteered to host Jones' party at Baze's loft in order to gain acceptance, but it backfires when Baze and Cate find out.
Truth Unrevealed (22 February 2010) - After Bug "steals" Jones' jeep, Lux has to convince Jones not to press charges against him.
Bride Unbridled (8 March 2010) - Jones reappears at Baze's behest to help reunite Lux with her friend Tasha.
Formal Reformed (15 March 2010) - Jones wants to take Lux to the Winter Formal, but when Bug comes back to town, the relationship between the three grows more complicated.
Storm Weathered (29 March 2010) - Jones and Lux's relationship takes another hit when she rejects him and he turns to another girl.
Criminal Incarcerated (28 September 2010) - Jones reappears in Lux's orbit when she considers cheating on an exam because she is afraid she won't pass it.
The Lux V acne laser kills acne-causing bacteria and minimizes enlarged pores, clearing your skin without internal medications.
But in 1890 a great stir was created by the publication, under his editorship, of Lux Mundi, a series of essays by different writers, being an attempt "to succour a distressed faith by endeavouring to bring the Christian Creed into its right relation to the modern growth of knowledge, scientific, historic, critical; and to modern problems of politics and ethics."
Lux Mundi and the Bampton lectures led to a situation of some tension which was relieved when in 1893 Dr Gore resigned his principalship and became vicar of Radley, a small parish near Oxford.
In his Lux in tenebris he published the visions of Kotterus, Dabricius and Christina Poniatovia.
In these lectures he developed the doctrine, the enunciation of which in Lux Mundi had caused so much heart-searching.
Bishop Lyttelton in Lux Mundi 8 stated that the death of Christ is propitiatory 1 Stevens, Christian Doctrine of Salvation, p. 138.