A fit of lunacy or madness; a period of frenzy; a crazy or unreasonable freak.
It is pleasantly situated at the junction of several small streams forming the river Lune, in a deep valley surrounded by high-lying moors.
His request was immediately granted, and thus it came about that Hansen's famous Tables de la Lune were dedicated to La Haute Amiraute de sa Majeste la Reine de la Grande Bretagne et d'Mande.
To the north, west and south, a flat coastal belt, bordering the Irish Sea, with its inlets Morecambe Bay and Solway Firth, and broadest in the north, marks off the Lake District, while to the east the valleys of the Eden and the Lune divide it from the Pennine mountain system.
The principal tributaries on the right are the Aller, Wi mme, Drepte, Lune and Geeste, and on the left the Diemel, Nethe, Emmer, Werra, Aue and Hunte.
Hippocrates of Chios (c. 430 B.C.), the discoverer of the square of a lune, showed that the problem reduced to the determination of two mean proportionals between two given lines, one of them being twice the length of the other.
It is easily shown that the areas of the lune Adbea and the triangle ABC are equal.
His first work on this abstruse subject, entitled T heorie des perturbations de la lune, qui sont dues a faction des planetes,1 is remarkable for the boldness of its conception, and constitutes an important addition to celestial dynamics.
On the north-west side of the Pennine system, marked off from it by the upper valleys of the rivers Eden and Lune, lies the circular hill-tract whose narrow valleys, radiating from its centre somewhat like wheel-spokes, contain the beautiful lakes which give it the celebrated name of the Lake District.
Delaunay, developed in his Theorie du mouvement de la lune (2 vols., 1860, 1867), because it contains a germ which may yet develop into the great desideratum of a general method in celestial mechanics.
In the case of the expressions bien or mal lune, well or ill mooned, avoir un quartier de lune dans la tete, to have the quarter of the moon in one's head, the German mondsiichtig and the English moonstruck or lunatic, the fundamental idea lies in the strange opinions formerly held about the moon.
It stood in a naturally defensive location on the shoulder of a steep slope overlooking a crossing point of the River Lune.
The lane was probably built to give access to Lune Mill in the first half of the 13th century, or earlier.
The Lune catchment is known to support breeding otters.
Not far upriver from Lancaster the " Crook of Lune " is well worth visiting for the beautiful river scenery.
The Lune Estuary has grazed saltmarshes that are important for grazing wildfowl.
The musical box plays the tune 'Claire de Lune' that was featured in the movie.
Like the regular Classique, the de Lune is housed inside distortion-free glass and gilded brass, inviting onlookers to observe its contents.
The de Lune's other advanced features are accurate month indicators and personalized engravings on the glass cabinet.
The railroad charged motorists 1p to cross the Lune Halton Castle is an earthwork motte and bailey.