A luminous warmth seems to enfold me.
The name "firefly" is often applied also to luminous beetles of the family Lampyridae, to which the well-known glow-worm belongs.
In the dim shadow of the curtain her luminous eyes shone more brightly than usual from the tears of joy that were in them.
These forces have the same period and direction as the undisturbed luminous vibrations themselves.
He seemed, not a professor amongst students, but a learner amongst learners; pauses for thought alternated with luminous exposition; invention accompanied demonstration; and thus originated his Theorie des fonctions analytiques (Paris, 1797).
Gases, like atmospheric air, hydrogen or carbon dioxide do not become luminous if they are placed in tubes, even when heated up far beyond white heat as in the electric furnace.
Since the limitation of the width of the central band in the image of a luminous line depends upon discrepancies of phase among the secondary waves, and since the discrepancy is greatest for the waves which come from the edges of the aperture, the question arises how far the operation of the central parts of the aperture is advantageous.
When the interval is very small the discrepancy, though mathematically existent, produces no practical effect, and the illumination at B due to P is as important as that due to A, the intensities of the two luminous sources being supposed equal.
Photography is based on chemical action induced by luminous rays; apart from this practical application there are many other cases in which actinic rays occasion chemical actions; these are treated in the article Photochemistry.
Thus black substances such as charcoal are very luminous when heated.
The luminous organs of these beetles consist of a specialized part of the fat-body, with an inner opaque and an outer transparent layer.
The brightest known stars in our galaxy are very luminous red supergiants.
The substance to be reduced is brought into the luminous portion, where the reducing power is strongest.
Certainly the excellent seneschal has not stinted himself of comparisons here, yet they can hardly be said to be luminous.
In the Ostracoda and Copepoda the phosphorescence, as already mentioned, is due to glands which produce a luminous secretion, and this is the case also in certain members of the Schizopoda and Decapoda.
It spontaneously inflames in air or oxygen; and when the gas is issuing from a jet into air the flame is greyish green, with a faintly luminous and yellow tip; the flame is probably one of the coldest known.
The use of such furnaces has very considerably diminished, owing to the general introduction of coal-gas for heating purposes in laboratories, which has been rendered possible by the invention of the Bunsen burner, in which the mixture of air and gas giving the least luminous but most powerfully heating flame is effected automatically by the effluent gas.
It was visible, almost luminous, almost alive.
The subsidiary seconds are at 9. It still has bright tritium luminous dial markings.
An electric fly zapper, insurance rated fire extinguishers and fire blanket together with luminous signs and First Aid stations.
In any case the discovery is to some extent his own, for his proof of the law is founded upon the theory that light is the propagation of the aether in straight lines from the sun or luminous body to the eye (see Light).
The aqueous vapour in the atmosphere is transparent to luminous but opaque to obscure heat-rays.
These sulphides form the basis of Balmain's luminous paint.
Light from stars at unfathomable distances reaches us in such quantity as to suggest that space itself is absolutely transparent, leaving open the question as to whether there is enough matter scattered through it to absorb a sensible part of the light in its journey of years from the luminous body.
Hagen that for dark heat rays of only about ten times the wave-length of luminous radiation, the properties of metals are determined by their electric resistance alone, which then masks all resonance due to periods of free vibration of the molecules; and, moreover, that the resistance for such alternations is practically the same as the ohmic resistance for ordinary steady currents.
In his optical researches, Optiska Undersiikningar, presented to the Stockholm Academy in 1853, he not only pointed out that the electric spark yields two superposed spectra, one from the metal of the electrode and the other from the gas in which it passes, but deduced from Euler's theory of resonance that an incandescent gas emits luminous rays of the same refrangibility as those which it can absorb.
Some of the slightlycloudy Ceylon sapphires, usually of greyish-blue colour, display when cut with a convex face a chatoyant luminosity, sometimes forming a luminous star of six rays, whence they are called "starsapphires" (see Asteria).
If the flame of a candle or lamp be closely examined, it will be seen to consist of four parts - (a) a deep blue ring at the base, (b) a dark cone in the centre, (c) a luminous portion round this, and (d) an exterior pale blue envelope (see Flame).
That of the 8th of July 1842 was the first to be efficiently observed; and the luminous inducements to the construction of exact and comprehensive catalogues has been to elicit, by comparisons of those for widely separated epochs, the proper motions of the stars enumerated in them.
The princess pondered awhile with a thoughtful smile and her luminous eyes lit up so that her face was entirely transformed.
The moon was a luminous, bright globe in the dark sky, radiant with silver light.
A luminous goo in the middle of two shortcake biscuits, who could want more?
His particularly luminous eyes glare fiercely under a black slouched hat.
The outside looks a bit odd - luminous snot green is the best description - we expected to see a few hobbits inside.
The fluorescents stuttered into life, painting a luminous topcoat of normality on the silent kitchen.
A 10 solar mass star might be over 10000 times as luminous and shine as a supergiant star.
The luminous dial illumination for night navigation uses Tritium gas.
It's always a good idea to include a small card with the gift specifying the care that might be needed to keep the silver looking luminous and sparkling.
The soft hair, luminous eyes and sweet faces charm many who see them.
Luminous metallic themes are a hot trend in architecture, interior design, and fashion.
It is probably the most eclectic of the Martha Stewart furniture collections, combining luminous metal finishes, glossy lacquers, special veneers, Art Deco and Asian themes, mother-of-pearl and painted glass accents.
The early 90s were characterized by matte lips and faces, whereas the new millennium brought in a bloom of luminous cheeks and shimmering lips.
Achieving flawless, luminous skin without breaking the bank might just be possible with a little help from bargain mineral makeup brands.
Blushes with a bit of sparkle can help create a soft and luminous look.
Instead of a dull matte texture, choose a luminous lipcolor that appears kissable.
Moonstone's mystical lore and luminous beauty make it a natural choice for symbolic jewelry.
The majority of these styles are bold in their design and many feature frames in unusual colors, such as eye catching reds and heavenly luminous golds.
Synthetic hair does have its advantages in that it holds a permanent style and features a luminous shine.
More recently, rocker and fashion designer Gwen Stefani recorded a television spot for L'Oreal, citing this hair color as her go to product for luminous hair.
Their variety of products give a luminous glow to your skin, and the prices are reasonable for what you get.