In a ludicrous manner.
Rechargeable electric cells offer a clue, but remain ludicrously inefficient in power to weight ratios when compared to the internal combustion engine.
And the actual criteria of conduct derived from biological considerations are almost ludicrously inadequate.
Most celebrity engagement rings have exorbitant prices and exaggerated designs that, while suitable for the camera, are ludicrously impractical for the typical bride-to-be's regimen of work, home, and recreation.
As an explanation of what has taken place in later years, or of the actual economic life of the present day, it is ludicrously inadequate.
To do the same for disagreements about a delusional world inhabited by archangels, demons and imaginary friends is ludicrously tragic.
But both failed - Lamartine almost ludicrously - while Thiers in hard conditions made a striking if not a brilliant success.
I recall thinking ludicrously that I was staining Howie's beloved hardwood floors with my blood and puke.