A self-igniting match, ie. one which could be lit by striking on any surface (as opposed to safety matches which only light against the material on the side of the box).
In this sense the name is most commonly associated with the familiar phrase "as proud as Lucifer."
But his limp is the only indication that he is Lucifer fallen from heaven.
It has important textile, malt and sugar industries, distilling, brewing and milling, manufactures of agricultural implements and lucifer matches.
Men are the result of a primal war in heaven, when hosts of angels incited by Satan or Lucifer to revolt were driven out, and were imprisoned in terrestrial bodies created for them by the adversary.
The subsequent fall of Lucifer is explained as his surrender of himself to the principle of nature, instead of dwelling in the heart of God.
As the Genesis begins with a line identical in meaning, though not in wording, with the opening of Cmdmon's Hymn, we may perhaps infer that the writer knew and used Cmdmon's genuine poems. Some of the more poetical passages may possibly echo Cmdmon's expressions; but when, after treating of the creation of the angels and the revolt of Lucifer, the paraphrast comes to the Biblical part of the story, he follows the sacred text with servile fidelity, omitting no detail, however prosaic. The ages of the antediluvian patriarchs, for instance, are accurately rendered into verse.
Howard Bloom (The Lucifer principle) talks about the coming biological apocalypse.
Lucifer and the renegade angels fall into hell, but hell was already inhabited by demons, mutants and aliens.
In 1881 Mr Austin returned to verse with a tragedy, Savonarola, to which he added Soliloquies in 1882, Prince Lucifer in 1887, England's Darling in 1896, The Conversion of Winckelmann in 1897, &c. A keen Conservative in politics, for several years he edited The National Review, and wrote leading articles for The Standard, On Tennyson's death in 1892 it was felt that none of the then living poets, except Swinburne or William Morris, who were outside consideration on other grounds, was of sufficient distinction to succeed to the laurel crown, and for several years no new poet-laureate was nominated.
In Christian mythology, demons are depicted as the servants of Lucifer; fallen angels who are twisted, blackened and turned ugly by their association with jealousy, greed and envy.
Duped by demons, Sam helps break the final seal on Lucifer's prison, unleashing Armageddon.
In season five, the brothers discover they are each vessels for Lucifer (Sam) and Michael (Dean).
At the end of the fifth season, Sam allows Lucifer to take him, hoping to drive Lucifer back into his prison.
Gabriel - Initially introduced as a Trickster, the Archangel Gabriel lived his life in hiding from his brothers Michael and Lucifer.
He eventually tries to help the brothers by confronting Lucifer (and also to save Kali, an old world spirit he'd come to love) and lost his life.
Lilith - Considered the first demon, Lilith was the final seal to Lucifer's prison.
Crowley - Crowley took over Hell after Lucifer's imprisonment.
The pope would have appointed Lucifer a cardinal with what was done to that woman.'
This victory greatly strengthened Shane O'Neill's position, and Sir Henry Sidney, who became lord deputy in 1566, declared to the earl of Leicester that Lucifer himself was not more puffed up with pride and ambition than O'Neill.
The synod of Alexandria sent deputies to attempt an arrangement between the two anti-Arian Churches; but before they arrived Paulinus had been consecrated bishop by Lucifer of Calaris, and when Meletiusfree to return in consequence of the emperor Julian's contemptuous policy - reached the city, he found himself one of three rival bishops.
The state, represented by the emperor Phocas, is persuaded to connive at the pope's assumption of spiritual authority; the other churches are intimidated into acquiescence; Lucifer's projects seem fully accomplished, when Heaven raises up Henry VIII.
In 355 Liberius was one of the few who, along with Eusebius of Vercelli, Dionysius of Milan and Lucifer of Cagliari, refused to sign the condemnation of Athanasius, which had anew been imposed at Milan by imperial command upon all the Western bishops; the consequence was his relegation to Beroea in Thrace, Felix II.
His efforts would be helped by Westerns, like Hilary and Lucifer, who were exiled to the East.
Either Jerome Shipton would have seen the cut and not used the rope, or he would have fallen so far he'd be whispering to Lucifer, not Jake Weller.
Lucifer, enraged at the spread of Christ's kingdom, convokes the fiends in council, and resolves to set up the pope as Antichrist.
For the chronic form of industrial poisoning in the manufacture of lucifer matches - a form of necrosis, known in England as " phossy jaw " and in France as " mal chimique," a localized inflammatory infection of the periosteum, ending with the death and exfoliation of part of the bone - see Match.