The pike, Esox lucius, when fully grown.
Simeon Luce (chap. vi.) has shown how much the English successes in this war were due to strict business methods.
See Simeon Luce, Hist.
There is no reason for supposing that Joinville indulged in various editions, such as those which have given Kervyn de Lettenhove and Simeon Luce so much trouble, and which make so vast a difference between the first and the last redaction of the chronicler of the Hundred Years' War.
A small volume entitled Flower de Luce (1867) contains, among other fine things, the beautiful "threnos" on the burial of Hawthorne, and "The Bells of Lynn."
A large number of French and Flemish chronicles illustrate the history of the Hundred Years War, by far the most important being Froissart (best edition by Luce, though Lettenhoves is bigger).
On a clear day you can see Scare Rocks in Luce Bay, home to thousands of pairs of nesting gannets.
The tipo piu comune is the optical microscope, nel quale l'esame of the object viene fatto in luce visibile... .
The tipo piu comune is the optical microscope, nel quale l'esame of the object viene fatto in luce visibile....
Luce is used as a standby locomotive if Clyde is out of service for any reason.
In 1887 Edward Luce died of typhoid at the age of 24.
He was ordained minister of New Luce in Galloway in 1660, but had to leave his parish under Middleton's Ejectment Act in 1663.