To make slippery or smooth (normally to minimize friction) by applying a lubricant.
Once skin has been moistened, many people apply a shaving cream or foam to the surface to help lubricate and encourage an even glide.
You might also wish for larger drops of lyrical phrasing, at least to lubricate the singers.
Throat lozenges or a throat lozenges or a throat spray can alleviate a sore throat and lubricate your throat to help a cough.
Throat lozenges or a throat spray can alleviate a sore throat and lubricate your throat to help a cough.
Some binding manufacturers suggest that you lubricate your ski bindings on a regular basis.
To keep the blades running smoothly, lubricate them with vegetable oil after a few months of use.
Once you have cleaned all the wheels, you will need to lubricate them with a spray like WD-40.
Typically known as Bur oil, the root works by helping the sebaceous glands in the scalp lubricate the hair follicles.
However, they do not mention the need to lubricate the binding's heel piece.
A bottle of Indaba probably helps to lubricate discussion along these lines as well.
It contains mucin, white blood cells, water, inorganic salts, and shed cells, and it serve to lubricate body parts and to trap particles of dirt or other contaminants.
People can be allergic to certain solutions that are used to clean or lubricate lenses.
In the large bowel, this tissue contains cells that produce mucus to lubricate and protect the smooth inner surface of the bowel wall.
The fourth layer, the serosa, is a thin membrane that produces fluid to lubricate the outer surface of the bowel so that it can slide against adjacent organs.
Around this time watchmakers began to use oil to lubricate and smooth the movement of the watch's hand.
Drink lots of water every day to flush out your system, produce more energy, lubricate your joints, maintain your body's temperature, and more.
These scented body oils will help you get a good night's rest while you lubricate your skin.