A flame; fire; blaze.
In 1870, by an arrangement which he attributed to his friend Robert Lowe, afterwards Lord Sherbrooke (at that time a member of Gladstone's ministry), Scott was promoted to the deanery of Rochester and Jowett was elected to the vacant mastership by the fellows of Balliol.
Lowe was a rather cut-anddry economist, who prided himself that during his four years of office he took twelve millions off taxation; but later opinion has hardly accepted his removal of the shilling registration duty on corn (1869) as good statesmanship, and his failures are remembered rather than his successes.
His proposed tax of a 1 This phrase is always ascribed to Lowe, and has become history in association with him.
Bobby Lowe, as he was popularly known, was one of the most remarkable personalities of his day, with his tall, striking figure, albino complexion and hair, and faculty for epigram and irony.
The first governor of the island, General Wilks, was soon superseded, it being judged that he was too amenable to influence from Napoleon; his successor was Sir Hudson Lowe.
In English we have, among others, the useful work of Perowne (5th ed., 1883), that of Lowe and Jennings, (2nd ed., 1885), and the valuable translation of Cheyne (1884).
In modern political history the expression "cave of Adullam" (hence "Adullamites") came into common use (being first employed in a speech by John Bright on the 13th of March 1866) with regard to the independent attitude of Robert Lowe (Lord Sherbrooke), Edward Horsman and their Liberal supporters in opposition to the Reform Bill of 1866.
In the debates on the Reform Bills submitted to the House of Commons from 1859 to 1867, Bright's was the most influential voice He rebuked Lowe's "Botany Bay view," and described Horsman as retiring to his "cave of Adullam," and hooking in Lowe.
The cavalry, under Major-General Drury Lowe, was on the right flank, and the Indian contingent, under Major-General Macpherson, starting one hour later, was ordered to move south of the sweet-water canal.
An immediate pursuit was ordered, and the Indian contingent, under Major-General Macpherson, reached Zagazig, while the cavalry, under Major-General Drury Lowe, occupied Belbeis and pushed on to Cairo, 65 m.
Directly the Reform Bill had passed, the necessity of "inducing our masters to learn their letters" (in Robert Lowe's phrase) became pressing.
Lowe, who had incurred unpopularity by his fiscal measures, and especially by an abortive suggestion for the taxation of matches, was transferred from the exchequer to the home office, and Gladstone himself assumed the duties of chancellor of the exchequer.
Smyth and Lowe give the mouth of the Javary as the eastern limit, as does d'Orbigny.
Even by free-trade ministers like Gladstone it had been left up to 1869 untouched, and its removal by Robert Lowe (Lord Sherbrooke) had since then been widely regarded as a piece of economic pedantry.
Selections from these have been published in English by Charles Lowe, The Tabletalk of Prince Bismarck, and by Sidney Whitman, Conversations with Bismarck.
Originally released in New Zealand last year, Lowe is joined by countryman Hamish Clark and English producer and vocalist, Andy Lovegrove.
Colonel D N Lowe OBE DL attended the funeral on behalf of the Regiment.
Mr J.W. Lowe tells me that the colliery was owned by Henry Warrington & Son who also owned an ironworks there.
Steve Lowe's piece this week, about homework and other maters, may strike a chord!
Impressive imagination and individuality combined with that musical mix reveals Lowe as a peerless melodist and a songwriter of panoramic originality.
In this issue's QL User, Quentin Lowe gives us his first impressions of Sir Clive's new micro.
Lowe took ninth, and was much more pleased with his lot.
John Smallwood publicized the organ recital that evening by the internationally renowned theater organist David Lowe.
Susan Lowe became the pianist for the class which soon had to be split in two due to the age range.
You can purchase plastic tubing from Home Depot or Lowe's.
Here Drs Lowe and Sambon made the decisive experiments which proved that the propagation of malaria was due to the mosquito Anopheles claviger.
In 1841 Lowe moved to London, to read for the Bar ("called" 1842); but his eyesight showed signs of serious weakness, and, acting on medical advice, he determined to try his fortune in the colonies rather than in London.
Lowe soon made his mark in the political world by his clever speeches, particularly on finance and education; and besides obtaining a large legal practice, he was one of the principal writers for the Atlas newspaper.
Considerable opposition was aroused by the new regime at the Education Office, and in 1864 Lowe was driven to resign by an adverse vote in Parliament with reference to the way in which inspectors' reports were "edited."
The result was unjust to Lowe, but a good deal of feeling had been aroused against Lingen's administration of the Education Office (see Lingen, Baron), and this was the outcome.
He remained, nevertheless, a Liberal; and after the franchise question had been settled by what Lowe considered Disraeli's betrayal, and he had been elected the first member for London University, he accepted office again in the Gladstone Cabinet of 1868 as chancellor of the exchequer.
You can purchase plastic tubing from Home Depot or Lowe 's.
But Lowe - for all the unwieldy title - goes much further.
Her most recent book, Kathy Peterson's Great Outdoor Decorating Makeovers is currently being sold in Lowe's, leading book retailers and Web based retailers including
For example, if the newlyweds are moving into a new home, consider providing a gift certificate to Home Depot, Lowe's or Sears.
Home improvement stores, such as Lowe's or Home Depot, are the best sources for kitchen sinks and knowledgeable advice about your potential purchase.
If you plan to shop at a common retail store like Home Depot, Lowe's, or Sears, you may be able to get lucky and find a fantastic deal while walking away with hand tools for about half their regular price.
Visit your local hardware store, like Ace Hardware, Lowe's or Menards, to compare different water softeners and to ask experiences salespeople or installers any questions you may have on purchasing one.
Sometimes local hardware and home improvement stores like Home Depot or Lowe's have project classes on the weekends.
Home improvement stores like Lowe's and Home Depot usually have plans.
Partner cards allow businesses to earn benefits from a specific company, such as Costco, Delta Airlines, Jet Blue, Starwood Hotels or Lowe's.
The first place you should look is always the big home improvement stores like The Home Depot and Lowe's.
Hardware and home improvement stores like Lowe's and the Home Depot usually have a pretty good selection during the spring and summer months, but if you're looking during the off-season you might have trouble.
For DIY projects, "big box" retailers, such as Home Depot and Lowe's, can provide much of the cabinets, counters, patio stone, and other elements for the kitchen.
Big Box Retailers - Major DIY retailers, such as Lowe's and Home Depot, have special paint sections with a variety of paint products, painting accessories, and kits for applying specialty paint treatments.
She worked with Sherman Williams and then Lowe's to create paint colors and she lent her name to a series of suburban home designs by Kaufman Broad.
Lowe's offers easy-to-follow instructions for creating your own accent lamp.
Most are available at chain stores like the Home Depot and Lowe's, and the others have store locators on their websites.
Perhaps you've noticed the Olympic Paint display at your local Lowe's store, but did you realize they offer environmentally friendly paints at a wallet friendly price?
A product of PPG Architectural Finishes, Olympic Paint is sold exclusively at Lowe's home improvement stores.