A kind of scoop or ladle, chiefly used to remove the scum from brine-pans in saltworks.
The conqueror allowed his soldiers to loot, but inflicted no permanent punishment upon the people.
Traces remain of the circuit wall, and of a sanctuary with copious terra-cotta offerings; the large necropolis yields constant loot to illicit excavation.
The poem, which extends to loot lines written in the irregular alliterative rhymed stanza, is a bird-allegory, of the type familiar in the Parlement of Foules.
He knocked off Byrne and took the loot.
Hodson states in his book that he obtained the inventory of his brother's possessions made by the Committee of Adjustment and it contained no articles of loot, and Sir Charles Gough, president of the committee, confirmed this evidence.
In 1526 the city was 'captured by the emperor Baber, the famous Koh-i-noor diamond being part of the loot; and it was here that Baber announced that his invasion was to be a permanent conquest, and not a mere temporary inroad.
One of the most remarkable results of the European intervention in the Boxer rising in China (I goo) was the absurd price paid for so-called "loot" of furs, particularly in mandarins' coats of dyed and natural fox skins and pieces, and natural ermine, poor in quality and yellowish in colour; from three to ten times their value was paid for them when at the same time huge parcels of similar quality were warehoused in the London docks, because purchasers could not be found for them.
It was also a warning to Antiochus, who returned to exact a bloody vengeance and to loot the Temple (169 or 168 B.C.).
To pay his debt to Rome he was compelled to resort to extraordinary methods of raising money; he actually met his death (187 B.C.) in an attempt to loot the temple of Elymais.
It was founded by King St Stephen, and the original deed from loot is preserved in the archives of the abbey.
General Pelham Burn said that he saw loot in Hodson's boxes when he accompanied him from Fatehgarh to take part in the siege of Lucknow, and Sir Henry Daly said that he found "loads of loot" in Hodson's boxes after his death, and also a file of documents relating to the Guides case, which had been stolen from him and of which Hodson denied all knowledge.
We'll loot fast, Dan promised.
The Vikings would not loot the city or otherwise damage it.
Click on any city once to spend a turn looking for loot.
Looks like they were here to kill, not loot.
What an odd half hour as we waited for him to get the loot.
The outlaws walk into town, rob the bank and take the loot to the train station to win.
I have the loot to go out, I just don't want to.
In either case it appears to have seemed sensible to bury the loot.
You may also notice that when you knock him unconscious, you can loot all the items that he is currently carrying.
Whilst life on ' Rosy ' continues to be fun, I don't have oodles of loot to spend.
Loot all the other items first, then get the gold.
In neither case did the allegiance involve strict obedience to orders from the superior, and their loyalty was always in danger of being troubled by their love of independence and equality and their desire for loot.
Then three burglars turn up, expecting no one there to stop them stealing the loot.
They have done away with the cash, and now the game is played with a debit card that remembers you and keeps track of all your loot.
Once your kids finish trick-or-treating, carefully examine their treats, or better yet, take them to a nearby hospital that will x-ray their loot for free!
In the end, the treasure is found and Ben takes a percentage of the loot, leaving the rest to various institutions of the world.