A breed of beef cattle, having long horns, bred in Texas and other parts of southwest United States.
Today they would put the buffalo and longhorns in the same pasture.
I'd better figure on building a pen close to the house to quarantine the Longhorns in.
Princess had her new foal, the buffalo had her calves, and even the Longhorns had a baby.
The buffalo and longhorns were nowhere in sight, so there was no need to be concerned about their safety.
Longhorns – they aren't actually native American wildlife, are they?
Alex had made arrangements in Houston to purchase a pair of Texas Longhorns, and he was scouting out some more fence line.
Eventually they would run the Longhorns with the buffalo, and then Brutus could stay with all of them, but the animals would have to be quarantined at first and then allowed to adjust to each other.
Saturday morning she was cleaning the house when Alex left to check on the longhorns.
The longhorns had been grazing against the fence with the buffalo for the last two weeks, so they would be accustomed to each other.
I know goats aren't native to the United States, but neither are Longhorns.
It wasn't until she mentioned that goats were as much a part of American history as Longhorns that he realized how much she missed them.
The distribution of many groups of beetles is restricted in correspondence with their habits; the Cerambycidae (longhorns), whose larvae are wood-borers, are absent from timberless regions, and most abundant in the great tropical forests.
Longhorns – they aren't actually native American wildlife, are they?
Longhorns, lassos, stars, and spurs are just a few of the motifs you can often find in the mix.
If your budget doesn't allow for the UT gold watch, you may want to look at the Texas Longhorns Men's Competitor Watch available at Football Fanatics.
This watch features a burnt orange/gold circle around the outside edge of the face plate, the Texas Longhorns logo and the words "Texas Longhorns" on the face.