A direction in written or printed music to be returning to the proper pitch after having played an octave higher or lower.
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Basilides saw the proof of naturam sine radice et sine loco rebus supervenientem (Acta Archelai).
According to his own statement in De vetere testamento, written about loco, he had at that period translated the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Kings, Job, Esther, Judith and the Maccabees.
If the motion were that of a body at white heat, or say a temperature of loco, the velocity of mean square would be 39co metres per second and the apparent width of the band would be doubled.
The missionary zeal of the Zoroastrian priests soon caused discontent among the Christian inhabitants of Colchis, and Gobazes, perceiving that Chosroes intended to Persianize the district, appealed to Rome, with the result that in 549 one Dagisthaeus was sent out with 7000 Romans and loco auxiliaries of the Tzani (Zani, Sanni).
Lastly, he had the spirit of lively satire and of willingness desipere in loco which frequently goes with the love of books.
The redwood grows only in a narrow strip on the Coast Range from Southern Oregon (where there are not more than loco acres) down nearly to the Golden Gate, in a habitat of heavy rains and heavy fogs.
Like all the Australian states, Tasmania shows a decline in the birthrate; in 5905 the births were 5256-36 less than in 1904 - which gives a rate of 29.32 per loco of mean population.
His susceptibility to new ideas is illustrated in such pieces as Mariana (1892), Mancha que limpia (1895), El Hijo de Don Juan (1892), and El Loco Dios (1900) these indicate a close study of Ibsen, and El Loco Dios more especially might be taken for an unintentional parody of Ibsen's symbolism.
Such appeals when permissible, except the " greater," were to be tried by delegates on the spot (31st Session; Mansi, Concilia, in loco).
The crank axle is in front of the loco.
Someone had omitted to ask the loco crew to take it easy.
It is an early austerity loco, and is easily distinguished by its handrails on the tank.
The rebuilt loco was officially " born " in March 1996, when volunteers erected its mainframe.
A fireless loco is seen working in falling snow at Swanscombe.
It was built in 1863 and was the first 2ft gage steam loco built.
Days to days pollo loco sound a little passed by the.
I came across an item in which someone made a remark about " Deltic " being the first diesel loco.
The Pocket Book entry for this location lists a Howard 4-wheel gasoline loco built about 1923; would not 1927 be more correct?
Working Time Tables for the steam days can cost up to £ 30 each, plus you try to find the loco duty rosters.
The Ruston loco shunting the exchange sidings at Blaenau serves only the Oakeley quarry.
It was built in 1863 and was the first (alongside sister engine Princess) 2ft gage steam loco built.
In addition to the naming, it is planned to run a few loco hauled trains on the Merthyr Tydfil line that day.
A Hornby Schools class loco crosses the viaduct over the canal.
Jud., at the end of the Theodosian Code, seems, spurious (see the comment of Gothofredus in loco).
The first to publish a general collection of treaties was Leibnitz, whose Codex juris gentium, containing documents from 1097 to 5497, " ea quae sola inter liberos populos legum sunt loco " appeared in 1693, and was followed in 1700 by the Mantissa.
There was a special bogie to couple onto the loco forming rakes of wagons hurtling across the countryside.
The top frame (Pelaw Main West) is only used for shunting the loco around a train.
The coaches are being released by a shunting locomotive to allow the loco to be released from the dead end road.
Squelching up to the loco, I was treated with the same lack of surprise by the crew.
It is little longer than the loco so I assume the second road went out of use after the tram stoped working.
This was shortly before Primrose was withdrawn for an overhaul, carried out by the railroad 's Loco Department.
Sometime during the day, you'll probably get hungry and there are several fast food and restaurant options for you including Burger King, Cajun Grill, El Pollo Loco, Panda Express, Sbarro, Subway and more.
Her three dogs are named Loco, Juicy and Minnie Pearl.
Loco is a crazy character that morphs into a train.
I Just Came To Tell You That I'm Going by Jarvis Cocker and Kid Loco.
This song isn't really "by" Jarvis Cocker and Kid Loco, but rather is a cover a Serge Gainsbourg tune, featured on the new Serge Gainsbourg tribute album Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited.
Breakfast items are large and consist of some form of loco moco (usually rice, hamburger patty, egg and gravy) while lunch and dinner specialties include poke, crab and sashimi.
The caliche is worked up in loco for crude nitrate by extracting the salts with hot water, allowing the suspended earth to settle, and then transferring the clarified liquor, first to a cistern where it deposits part of its sodium chloride at a high temperature, and then to another where, on cooling, it yields a crop of crystals of purified nitrate.
They were, he said, opposed to Holy Scripture, to the traditions of the Church for the first loco years, to historical evidence, to the decrees of the general councils, and to the existing relations of the Roman Catholic Church to the state in every country in the world.
In 1760 it was surprised by a French squadron under Commodore Thurot, who landed with about loco men, and, after holding the place for a few days, evacuated it on the approach of the English troops.
At one time Erfurt had a university, of which the charter dated from 1392; but it was suppressed in 1816, and its funds devoted to other purposes, among these being the endowment of an institution founded in 1758 and now called the royal academy of sciences, and the support of the royal library, which now contains 60,000 volumes and over loco manuscripts.
Precipitous cliffs, from zoo to loco ft.