A bottom-feeding freshwater fish in the superfamily or suborder Cobitoidea.
It abounds in loach, and there are valuable salmon fisheries.
Nevertheless, Hill is exaggerating what he sees as Loach's growing pessimism.
They found that all the spined loach they examined were of the same species, regardless of the river in which they were caught.
Giant mud loach was produced by linking the mud loach growth hormone with its actin promoter.
The first wave of new inhabitants comprised three platies, and the 'fish with nine lives ' a kuhli loach.
Ken Loach tells Stuart Jeffries what he thinks of critics of his film about Irish republicanism.
River Mease Derbyshire; Leicestershire; Staffordshire The River Mease is a good example of a riverine population of spined loach Cobitis taenia.
All takes place under the scrutiny of old Miss Loach, the self-appointed guardian of village morals.
There are no fresh injury worries for Watford, with Clarke Carlisle, Chris Powell and Scott Loach remaining the only absentees.
It's a strange brew, but try and imagine CANNIBAL APOCALYPSE tamed and domesticated by Ken Loach.
Bullhead bullhead Bullhead populations, like spined loach, appear to be under considerable threat.
Bottom feeders are those fish that spend most of their time at the base of the aquarium, including loach and catfish.