A South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama, used as a domestic beast of burden and a source of wool and meat.
It sat at her feet and stared at the llama approaching the fence.
The llama was the only beast of burden known to the South American natives before the arrival of the Spaniards and is highly serviceable on the difficult trails of the Andes.
The chief breeding industry is that of the llama, alpaca and vicuiiaanimals of the Auchenia family domesticated by the Indians and bred, the first as a pack animal, and the other two for their wool, hides and meat.
The dried dung of the llama (taquia) is generally used as fuel, as in pre-Spanish times, for roasting ores, as also a species of grass called ichu (Stipa incana), and a singular woody fungus, called yareta (Azorella umbellifera), found growing on the rocks at elevations exceeding 12,000 ft.
The collection of animals included a donkey, horse, ostrich and a llama, all of which were either relaxing in the shade or inside the barn.
Not only is coarse cloth for their own garments made in this manner from the fleece of the llama, but cotton and woollen goods of a serviceable character are manufactured, and still finer fabrics are woven from the wool of the alpaca and vicuña, sometimes mixed with silk or lamb's wool.
A small deer and, in southern Ecuador, the llama (Auchenia) with its allied species, the alpaca, guanaco and vicuna, represent the ruminants.
Although the name llama properly applies only to one of the domesticated breeds, zoologically it is taken to include all the South American representatives of the Camelidae, which form the genus Lama.
As recently as 1882,when the grand Llama of Tashilumpo was not relieved by the hot springs of Barchutsan, religious services were held to propitiate the serpent-deities (Oldham, 203).
In stature the alpaca (Lama huanacos pacos) is considerably inferior to the llama, but has the same unpleasant habit of spitting.
Alpaca, Vicuna, and Llama Wool imported into the United Kingdom.
There is, however, a cross between the alpaca and the llama - a true hybrid in every sense - producing a material placed upon the Liverpool market under the name "Huarizo."
The llama is used as a pack animal in Bolivia and Peru, and its coarse wool is used in the making of garments for the natives.
The llama (Lama huanacus glama) is a domesticated derivative of the wild guanaco, which has been bred as a beast of burden.
The disagreeable habit of spitting is common to all the group. In a wide sense the term "llama" is used to designate all the South American Camelidae.
This composite art reached its climax in Peru, the llama wool affording the finest staple on the whole hemisphere.
In the Upper Miocene we come to a distinct type - Procamelus - which is entitled to be regarded as a camel, and approximates in size to a small llama.
The sole difference between Camelops and Llama seems to consist in certain structural details of the lower cheek-teeth.
The llama and alpaca were domesticated long before the discovery of America, but the guanaco and vicuña are found in a wild state only.
I have a llama who is now about fourteen years old.
I have a twelve year old female llama with a bad abscess in the bone of her jaw.
Beware too the adult llama that the current owner cannot easily handle.
Llamas are now confined to the western and southernmost parts of South America, though fossil remains have been found in the caves of Brazil, and in the pampas of the Argentine Republic. (See also Alpaca; Guanaco; Llama and Vicugna.) Fossil History.
The llama and alpaca were domesticated long before the discovery of America, but the guanaco and vicuña are found in a wild state only.
Not only is coarse cloth for their own garments made in this manner from the fleece of the llama, but cotton and woollen goods of a serviceable character are manufactured, and still finer fabrics are woven from the wool of the alpaca and vicuña, sometimes mixed with silk or lamb's wool.
Subsequently, w ith our guard llama in place, he lost none !
You can choose from quite a few pet options including the basics, but also a llama, bat, hedgehog, turtle and even a penguin.
Unusual animal options include penguins, bats and a llama, among many others.
You may want a virtual pet because you just can't commit the time you would like to an actual dog, cat or llama.
He should always have the company of at least one other llama or other field stock.
Sofi smiled, blue-silver eyes going to the llama that stuck its face between the wooden planks of the fence.