Farm animals; animals domesticated for cultivation.
The principal exports are grain, livestock and fruit.
As for the four-legged ones, they're actually feral hogs – descendents of early livestock that went wild.
The city is a shipping point for a rich grain, cotton, livestock and lumber region.
There is a considerable trade in livestock, preserved meat, petroleum and cereals.
Livestock breeding is extensively pursued.
A considerable amount of personal property, including furniture, a small library, provisions, tools, agricultural implements, livestock and the proceeds of a life insurance policy, is also exempt from seizure for the satisfaction of debts.
Cattle, especially cows, and pigs form the bulk of the livestock, but sheep and goats have greatly decreased in numbers.
During the 19th century the percentage under wheat showed a general tendency to increase; that under oats increased much in the later decades as livestock farming became common, rye maintained a steady proportion, but barley, formerly the principal grain-crop, decreased greatly.
The total value of farm property, with improvements, machinery and livestock, was $84,079,702 in 1880; $119,849,272 (average value per farm, $1042) in 1890; and $153,591,159 (average value, $989) in 1900; while the average value per acre of farm-land increased from $9.09 in 1890, to $10.98 in 1900.
It is a livestock market, and one of the chief centres in the United States for the manufacture of saddlery and leather goods, and of cotton-gin machinery.
The important exports are gums and resin, fibre, hides, ivory, ostrich feathers, coffee, ghee, livestock, gold ingots from Abyssinia and mother-of-pearl; the shells being found along the coast from Zaila to beyond Berbera.
The livestock interest is stimulated by the enormous demand for beef-cattle at Kansas City.
The chief agricultural products are grain, rice, beans, cotton, opium and poppy seed, sesame, fennel, red pepper, and much of the finest tobacco grown in Europe; there is also some trade in timber, livestock, skins, furs, wool and silk cocoons.
Ban Jellacic, though loyal to the Emperor, had given expression to their aspirations towards unity as early as 1848; but Francis Joseph handed over the Croats and Serbs to Magyar domination (1867), and Dalmatia, the territory of the Austrian Croats, had been neglected by Vienna for years past; thus it was not till the years immediately preceding the war that it was rapidly developed by the construction of ports and railways and the encouragement of tourist traffic. The Slovenes, who inhabited Carinthia and Carniola, had less grounds for discontent, for the barren Karst had been afforested at the expense of the state; but though they were at the very gate of Serbia, they suffered from a shortage of meat, for Hungary obstructed the traffic in livestock in the interests of her great territorial magnates, and Austria bore the brunt of this.
Coal, iron ore, building materials, lumber, livestock, cotton, fruits, vegetables, tobacco and grain are the great items in the domestic commerce of the country, upon its railways, inland waterways, and in the coasting trade.
The breeding of livestock (cattle, sheep and horses), is an important source of income.
Podgoritsa receives from the eastern plains and the north-eastern highlands a great quantity of tobacco, fruit, cereals, honey, silk, livestock and other commodities, which it distributes through Plavnitsa, its port on Lake Scutari, and through Riyeka to Cettigne and Cattaro.
Irrigation has made a surer future for limited areas, however, and the introduction of drought-resisting crops and the substitution of dairy and livestock interests in the place of agriculture have brightened the outlook in the western counties, whose population increased rapidly after 1900.
Livestock will have access to the outdoors.
The Indian-corn, wheat and livestock sections of the state, are in the Piedmont Plateau, the Hagerstown Valley and the central portion of the East Shore.
In 1900 the value of farm land and improvements was $291,117,430; of buildings on farms, $90,887,460; of livestock, $73,739,106.
Austin is the principal trade and jobbing centre for central and western Texas, is an important market for livestock, cotton, grain and wool, and has extensive manufactories of flour, cotton-seed oil, leather goods, lumber and wooden ware; the value of the factory product in 1905 was $1,569,353, being 105.2% more than in 1900.
The livestock industry was introduced by the Franciscans and flourished exceedingly.
According to the estimates of the state department of agriculture, of the total value of all agricultural products in the twenty years 188 51904 ($3, 0 7 8, 999, 8 55), Indian corn and wheat together represented more than two-fifths (821'3 and 518'1 million dollars respectively), and livestock products nearly one-third (1024.9 millions).
The city is situated in a rich farming region; is an important shipping point for livestock, grain and other farm products; and is especially known as a centre for the manufacture of wire-fences.
These, except livestock, continue to be the main items of export.
The surrounding country is a magnificent livestock and farming region, and in the immediate vicinity are valuable deposits of coal, of limestone, of shale suitable for sewer pipe and of fire clays.
Despite all the efforts of the breeders and of the government, a decline has gone on not only in horse-rearing, but also in other classes of livestock since 1865.
Theft Of Livestock The coastal marshland and extensive common land meant that the Dengie 100 teemed with livestock especially sheep.
For livestock production, equivalent organic systems show a better energy ratio in all cases.
Now, a two-year drought that has left creeks dry and forced ranchers to sell livestock is increasing the ecological damage.
Those with living livestock hurried about tending the pathetic remnants of their herds with cloth over their noses to keep out the smell.
Their land and, livestock taken away from them, they have been condemned to the status of starving, landless serfs.
The livestock market and butchers ' shambles used to take place in the market place and the yards of the inns along Sun Street.
By selling only shearlings, we endeavor to supply livestock which will achieve a long breeding life span.
We realize livestock shipments come in all shapes and sizes and we understand that each customer needs an individual approach.
It is funded through a Meat and Livestock Commission levy paid on all sheep and cattle slaughtered in England.
The contribution made by livestock slurry to this intractable destruction is central.
This is an ideal smallholding for anyone who wishes to own some variety of livestock and who loves the natural environment.
Over the 10 years to 1985, thousands of square kilometers of rainforest were cleared in order to grow tapioca for the ECs livestock.
In this manner, holding and fattening smaller tilapia is comparable with livestock holdings.
The question then arises as to whether wolves living where livestock are plentiful all year round also show livestock toleration.
Use of drugs (chemotherapy ), livestock resistant breeds or insecticides helps protect livestock and control animal trypanosomiasis.
Neolithic farmers cleared the wildwood to plant crops, using the hoe, and raise livestock.
With the exception of Chicago, it is the largest livestock market in the United States.
Few ranchers add boron to the feed of their livestock.
They are suited to rearing livestock like cattle and largely unsuited to crop growing.
The livestock being killed are a ritual sacrifice to the gods of global markets.
Cattle & livestock drinking troughs Found in fields and at roadsides in the country areas.
Today it is making deliveries to stall-fed livestock in the next village.