Term of address.
Full of life; energetic.
Bright, glowing, vivid; strong, vigorous.
Endowed with or manifesting life; living.
Representing life; lifelike.
Airy; animated; spirited.
(of beer) Fizzy; foamy; tending to produce a large head in the glass.
The lively woman was fun to be around.
The prince stood still; his lively glittering eyes from under their thick, bushy eyebrows sternly scanned all present and rested on the little princess.
They imply a lively sense of radical human need.
It was his custom on all these trips to make little lively sketches of landscape and buildings.
She was too lively to be trapped in the condo on her own.
Sometimes that same look fell on Pierre, and that funny lively little girl's look made him inclined to laugh without knowing why.
She'd proven as lively in bed as she was timid outside of it.
His father was a small farmer, and he owed his education to the interest excited by his lively parts in some persons of position.
Then he sang a wonderful song, so sweet, so lively, so touching, that many of the sailors were moved to tears.
This act he repeated until all of the nine tiny piglets were visible, and they were so glad to get out of his pocket that they ran around in a very lively manner.
Teacher has read me his lively stories about his boyhood, and I enjoyed them greatly.
Katie's gaze flickered from the snake-like movement of lively jungle trees to Gabe's back.
From the sense of having full vigour, living or lively qualities or movements, the word, got its chief current meaning of possessing rapidity or speed of movement, mental or physical.
The fragments are written in vigorous language and show a lively power of description.
He had not visited Spain since the disaster of Roncesvalles, but he continued to take a lively interest in the affairs of that country.
Though goldfinches may occasionally be observed in the coldest weather, incomparably the largest number leave Britain in autumn, returning in spring, and resorting to gardens and orchards to breed, when the lively song of the cock, and the bright yellow wings of both sexes, quickly attract notice.
Just think—handsome gamblers, rich miners, everyone dancing with music and liquor and lively fun every night!
The cubes were gone. Swiping at lively bushes, she inched forward, searching for the cubes.
The energy around them was lively; they were brothers whose bond was formed during their years in the bowels of hell.
On the other hand, he took a lively part in the politico-religious controversies within the fold of Prussian Protestantism.
And in the Great Council itself we have the lively image of the aristocratic popular assembly of Rome, the assembly of the populus, that of the curiae, where every man of patrician birth had his place.
This anomaly aroused lively protests, especially in the French group, after the battle of Agincourt had rekindled national animosity on both sides.
It has important cloth factories and a lively trade in fruit and wine.
Built on the energy industry, the city is fast and lively.
It must be remembered that the Romans possessed no fine procelain decorated with lively colours and a beautiful glaze; Samian ware was the most decorative kind of pottery which was then made.
Commerce is lively and the exports to foreign countries are very considerable.
He is remembered through the Creevey Papers, published in 1903 under the editorship of Sir Herbert Maxwell, which, consisting partly of Creevey's own journals and partly of correspondence, give a lively and valuable picture of the political and social life of the late Georgian era, and are characterized by an almost Pepysian outspokenness.
It has post and telegraph offices and a lively trade in wool, cotton and dry fruits (almonds, pistachios).
Queen Christina was not yet twenty, and took a lively if a somewhat whimsical interest in literary and philosophical culture.
The dace is a lively, active fish, of gregarious habits, and exceedingly prolific, depositing its eggs in May and June at the roots of aquatic plants or in the gravelly beds of the streams it frequents.
Ninfa's has a lively outdoor patio and highly rated margaritas.
His account of this embassy in the Relatio de Legatione Constantinopolitana is perhaps the most graphic and lively piece of writing which has come down to us from the 10th century.
In disposition they are amiable and courteous, but arrogant, lively, inquisitive and inclined to steal - their attacks in earlier days on Europeans, when not caused by misunderstandings, being due probably to their coveting property which to them was of immense value.
For centuries, however, a lively intercourse was maintained between the Latin Church in Jerusalem, which the clemency of the Arab conquerors tolerated, and the Christians of the West.
The formation of the coalition and the outbreak of war for a while raised his hopes, in spite of his lively distrust of the competence of Austrian ministers; but the hopes were speedily dashed by Austerlitz and its results.
With lively curiosity everyone tried to get a glimpse of the projectiles as they flew over their heads.
Thanks to Denisov the conversation at table soon became general and lively, and she did not talk to her husband.
She had grown stouter and broader, so that it was difficult to recognize in this robust, motherly woman the slim, lively Natasha of former days.
With a lively arts district, a minor league hockey team and an active waterfront, this city draws many visitors from all over the country.
Babbo has an extensive wine list and lively bar and features homemade pasta, foie gras ravioli, whole grilled branzino with radicchio and pancetta, and an impressive grilled rib eye for two.
Dine outside or pull up a stool at the lively horseshoe-style bar.
Enjoy classic, heart pub food like bacon cheddar burgers and jerk chicken quesadillas as you soak up the atmosphere at this lively joint.
This lively, family-friendly restaurant is reasonably priced and casual dress is appropriate for this friendly establishment.
There is a lively trade in hemp, hemp-seed oil, hemp goods and cattle, and there are hemp-mills, soap-works and tanneries.
These words, which revealed the absence of any stipulation in regard to the protection of Italian interests in the Mediterranean, created lively dissatisfaction in Italy and corresponding satisfaction in France.
In after life he retained a lively feeling of interest in Winchester school, and remembered with admiration and profit the regulative tact of Dr Goddard, and the preceptorial ability of Dr Gabell, who were successively head-masters during his stay there.
In1608-1609it withstood a sixteen months' siege by the Poles; at a later date the monks took a lively part in the organization of the army which crushed the outbreak of the peasants.
Whatever effect the reinvigoration of the papacy may have had in hastening the process, the original impulse towards the adoption of the Roman rite had proceeded, not from Rome, but from Spain and Gaul; it was the natural result of the lively intercourse between the Churches of these countries and the Holy See.
Owing to their gay and lively disposition the Burmese have been called " the Irish of the East," and like the Irish they are somewhat inclined to laziness.
For many years a lively geographical controversy circled about the sources of the Oxus, and the discussion derived some political, significance from the fact that the true source, wherever Sources.