A thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye.
The top or cover of a container.
A cap or hat.
One ounce of cannabis.
A bodyboard or bodyboarder.
A motorcyclist's crash helmet.
In amateur radio, an incompetent operator.
A hermetically sealed top piece on a microchip such as the integrated heat spreader on a CPU.
A restraint or control, as when "putting a lid" on something.
To put a lid on (something).
Tears spilled over his lids as he started the car.
The tears spilling over her lids when she faced him confirmed she knew what that 'something' was.
Tears collected on her lids.
She blushed and lowered her lids.
The lids felt like they were four inches thick and her tongue felt swollen.
The eyes are devoid of lids.
The margins of the lids are sometimes furnished with eyelashes, e.g.
During the embryonic stage the lids are fused together, and either become separated shortly before the bird is hatched, as is the case with most Nidifugae, or else the blind condition prevails for some time, in the young Nidicolae.
Mile of Warsaw in 1828, who termed it a "hydrostatic air-pump without cylinders, taps, lids or stoppers," this is attained by using, both for the inlet and the outlet, vertical capillary glass tubes, soldered, the former to somewhere near the bottom, the latter to the top of the vessel.
The early thuribles were usually simple in design; but in the medieval period an architectural form was given to the lids by ornamenting them with towers, battlements and traceries, varying according to the prevalent Gothic style of the period.
Then, again, the shape of the eye, as modelled by the lids, shows a striking peculiarity, For whereas the open eye is almost invariably horizontal in the European, it is often oblique in the Japanese on account of the higher level of the upper corner.
This fold often covers also the whole free rim of the upper lid, so that the insertion of the eyelashes is hidden and the opening between the lids is so narrowed as to disappear altogether at the moment of laughter.
They are provided with lids, made either of lead or of wood lined with lead, which have openings to serve for the introduction of the alloy and acid, and a vent tube to lead off the vapours evolved during the operation.
The power of hearing is acute, and so is the sight, the eyes being protected by upper and lower lids and by a nictitating membrane.
It has the same moderately long, plump body, with a low dorsal crest, the continuation of the membrane bordering the strongly compressed tail; a large thick head with small eyes without lids and with a large pendent upper lip; two pairs of well-developed limbs, with free digits; and above all, as the most characteristic feature, three large appendages on each side of the back of the head, fringed with filaments which, in their fullest development, remind one of black ostrich feathers.
The body is smooth and shiny, with vertical grooves on the sides, the tail is but feebly compressed, the eye is moderately large and provided with movable lids, and the upper lip is nearly straight.
The process consists in heating yellow phosphorus in iron pots provided with air-tight lids, which,.
The machines charge simultaneously at each end, so that the lids of the retorts may be shut immediately the coal enters.
The sherds include amphoras, jars, bowls and lids.
Square Favor Box with Jewels These gorgeous favor boxes have jewels on gold color wires on the lids and contain confectionery of your choice.
She reported chronic symptomology that included tearing, photophobia, swollen lids, pain behind the eyes, and intermittent diplopia.
I saw her closed lids; their long lashes now gray.
The product is easily dispensed rather than messing around unscrewing lids.
The filtered oil can then be stored in smaller containers with sealable lids to keep air out.
The seating rostra system consists of a series of metal frames with close-fitting wooden lids.
Due to their shape, anglers give them the nickname of dustbin lids or slabs.
To make your medicines you'll need glass jars of various sizes with tight-fitting lids.
Both day and night, for seven days, the country's vast population rang bells, banged saucepan lids and shouted.
Despite the loss of his aquiline nose, the eyes are well-formed and almond-shaped betraying crisply defined lids.
A good tank for adult tarantulas are " Critter Cages " with sliding and locking lids.
We supply the leather covered lids and you just unscrew the back plates and fit the new items.
All four of the saucepans have heat tempered glass lids with steam vents.
When I made most noise he would stretch out his neck, and erect his neck feathers, and open his eyes wide; but their lids soon fell again, and he began to nod.
Another company, a lucky one for not all the companies had vodka, crowded round a pockmarked, broad-shouldered sergeant major who, tilting a keg, filled one after another the canteen lids held out to him.
The soldiers lifted the canteen lids to their lips with reverential faces, emptied them, rolling the vodka in their mouths, and walked away from the sergeant major with brightened expressions, licking their lips and wiping them on the sleeves of their greatcoats.
Kutuzov was chewing a piece of roast chicken with difficulty and glanced at Wolzogen with eyes that brightened under their puckering lids.
He reclined back in his chair, content, nervous energy spent, looking at me from under those half closed lids.
Food is kept fresh in two easy-clean compartments, sealed by close fitting lids and refrigerated by a built-in ice pack.
Wet fig leaves the size of saucepan lids have rendered the steps almost too treacherous to walk down.
Among the examples cited were shrink-wrap, over-packaged products, plastic wine corks, lids on vacuum packed jars and non-recyclable plastic.
The handlebar, trapezoid headlamp, front mudguard and trimmed-down rear lids were all new.
Use the upturned lids from coffee jars - especially the gold colored ones.
Another plus with the Munchkin Healthflow cup lids is that they are interchangeable and designed to grow with your child's drinking skill level as he reaches each milestone in development.
For this project you'll need several milk or juice jug lids.
Make sure the X is wide enough so that you can push the juice lids through the top fairly easily.
You and your baby can take turns pushing the lids through the top.
If you use a metal coffee can, the lids make a satisfying "kerplunk!" sound when they hit the bottom.
Mollusks such as oysters, clams and mussels should have closed lids.
When you are buying a cookware set, notice that a 14-piece set actually consists of seven pots and pans and seven lids.
So, lids are usually counted as separate pieces.