Though they saw the enemy advancing upon them sword in hand they remained at worship untroubled and were slaughtered as they poured libation and burned incense, for they put their own safety second to the service of God.
P. Nilsson, however, take the XbTpot to mean "water vessels," and connect the ceremony with the Hydrophoria, a libation festival to propitiate the dead who had perished in the flood of Deucalion.
Regardless, it fulfills its purpose - comfortable surroundings in which to enjoy a libation and a natter.
Her enjoyment of south of the border fare reflects her taste in libation as margaritas are Aniston's favorite drink.
Fortunately, costume shops have a litany of libation costumes on hand, including Cosmopolitan getups for women.
A maenad is a creature of mythology, women devoted to the orgiastic celebrations of Dionysus (Greek) or Bacchus (Roman), gods of libation and celebration.
From surfing to scuba diving, hiking, biking or simply relaxing on the beach with a tropical libation, Hawaii provides the perfect setting for a variety of popular spring break activities.
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I then offered a small libation of water at each cairn to the ancestral spirits, pouring the water onto earth by the stones.
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A frothy libation of the glass big easy bar the lighting was.
In the nether world, the most honored place, since it is water and food, it is called a water libation.
Before pouring the first cup I poured a small libation from the bottle to the spirits of the place.
The exploration begun by the Italian Mission under Halbherr and continued by Evans, who found here the inscribed libation table (see above), was completed by Hogarth in 1900.
In this age the choachytae, as the Greeks called them ("libation priests, " or "shrine-openers" in Egyptian), belonged to an inferior grade of the priesthood, equivalent to the pastophori of the deities, and were organized in gilds for the different cemeteries.
On the lateral walls of the approach we have a similar procession of attendants Leaded by the chief priestess and priest, who pours a libation at the feet of the goddess seated on her throne; while on the right returning wall are fragments of a third procession approaching another draped figure of the goddess on her throne (placed at the angle opposite the bull on the pedestal), the train being again brought up by a bull.
Moreover, a simple libation of water should be offered to the Fathers twice daily at the morning and evening devotion called sandhya (" twilight").