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It should be noted that in P (Code of Holiness) Lev.
The ideas of expiation and atonement so prevalent in Ezekiel's scheme, which there find expression in the half-yearly sacrificial celebrations, are expressed in Lev.
The event showed that he judged the situation rightly - the religious scheme announced by him, though not accepted in all its details, became the dominant policy of the later time, and he has been justly called ' The stricter marriage law is formulated in Lev.
That this law was not observed before the captivity we learn from Lev.
The "sheaf of the first-fruits of your harvest," mentioned in Lev.
While the particular prohibition regarding the beard and hair in Lev.
The religious significance of the use of incense, or at least of its use in the Holy of Holies, is distinctly set forth in Lev.
The Palestinian authorities more correctly interpreted Lev.
In the New Testament, the English version uses " atonement " 1 Lev.
What the priestly Torah was at the time of the exile can be seen from the collection of laws in Lev.
A cattle tithe is demanded in Lev.
The simplicity of the legislation is also manifest in the land-system in Lev.
Hence we can only conclude that Lev.
The execution of the second command, however, is first described in Lev.
If this be the case, we should naturally expect to find that Lev.
The main arguments brought forward by those who maintain the priority of Ezekiel are (1) the fact that H makes mention of a high priest, whereas Ezekiel betrays no knowledge of such an official, and (2) that the author of Lev.
Too much weight, however, must not be attached to these points; for (1) the phrase used in Lev.
Baentsch, however, who is followed by Bertholet, adopts the view that Lev.
That "Messiah" or "Anointed One" was used of the HighPriest is seen from Lev.
The rules, as laid down in Lev.
Bleek calls Lev.
Some of the curses refer to laws given not in D but in Lev.
This elaborate ceremonial connected with the wave-offering (developed in the post-exile period) took place on the morrow of the seventh Sabbath called 1 On the critical questions involved in these ritual details of Lev.
The orthodox later Jews assumed that the Sabbath in Lev.
The interpretation of a name is clearly different from a title given which itself implied divinity, as per Lev.
Lev's Mobile I have finally been forced (under severe duress) into the ugly world of mobile phone ownership.
She was so al one, with the lev el, un liv ing field of the wat er stret ching be neath her.
Josephus, who as a priest knew the pronunciation of the name, declares that religion forbids him to divulge it; Philo calls it ineffable, and says that it is lawful for those only whose ears and tongues are purified by wisdom to hear and utter it in a holy place (that is, for priests in the Temple); and in another passage, commenting on Lev.
Most probably the object of the story is, not to answer any curious question (such as, how did human speech arise, or how came the animals by their names?), but to dehort its readers or hearers from the abominable vice referred to in Lev.
In 1690 he was created a boyar and shared with Lev Naruishkin, Peter's uncle, the conduct of home affairs.