To make legitimate.
First, visitors need to believe that you are a legitimize business.
In 1679 Charles denied, in council, his supposed marriage with Lucy Walter, Monmouth's mother, his declarations being published in 1680 to refute the legend of the black box which was supposed to contain the contract of marriage, and told Burnet he would rather see him hanged than legitimize him.
Many Iranians say that they will not legitimize a system where real power is held by unelected clerics.
Popularity can never legitimize Alpha or anything else for that matter.
Though DaDa enjoyed near instantaneous success when it initially burst onto the scene, it lacked the key ingredient needed to legitimize the company as a force in the athletic performance industry.
Each of these changes has tended to improve the existing status, to legitimize railway enterprise, and to safeguard capital or investment.
In his appointments he was careful to avoid or to suppress any person who, being popular, might legitimize a rebellion by heading it.
Charles was urged to legitimize Monmouth by a declaration of his marriage with Lucy Walters.
Secure of the support of Rome he was concerned also to legitimize his position in the eyes of the Jews by taking, for love as well as policy, the Hasmonaean princess Mariamne to be his second wife.