The surgical procedure for making an incision in the abdominal wall to gain access into the abdominal cavity. Performed either as exploratory surgery, or as the first step in an abdominal operation.
Laparotomy showed the proximal ileum and distal jejunum had prolapsed through a tear at the rectosigmoid junction.
On 8th August 2000 the deceased underwent a laparotomy.
His claim to fame is that he was the first surgeon to perform an elective laparotomy.
He requires a laparotomy for a suspected ruptured spleen.
A 40 year old lady was transferred from another hospital following laparotomy for suspected perforated appendix.
Mr S arranged for Kate to have a further laparotomy in a few weeks time.
Even using a laparotomy, it can be impossible to apply the clips in a few women.
At exploratory laparotomy raw bones were found impacting the bowel.
On 3rd December 2003, Mrs. S. underwent a therapeutic and diagnostic laparotomy.
A second-look laparotomy (SLL) was performed after six cycles of intravenous chemotherapy.
An emergency laparotomy was performed through an upper midline incision.
Before the advent of CT, staging laparotomy was required but this has now been rendered obsolete.
However this was a fairly specific patient group, which may not reflect all postop laparotomy patients.
The day following laparotomy patient required a cesarean section to deliver a dead baby.