Tall, slim, and rather ungraceful or awkward.
The lanky youth had grown into a muscular man with icy green eyes, curly black hair, and chiseled features as cold as his father's.
A lanky boy in his late teens stood beside the bed.
The lanky form standing between her and the door made her gasp.
The gardener aims usually at producing stout, robust, short-jointed stems, instead of long lanky growths defective in woody tissue.
His eyes lit up, and Bianca flung herself into his arms, thrilled to feel her brother's lanky body again.
If I was lanky or wearing stilts I don't know what I'd do.
This exposure creates a very long and lanky plant.
Tall and lanky, Jonny didn't look like some sort of inhuman creature.
As she glanced up, Morino and Alex started down the stairs, the tall lanky foreman taking two at a time.
The grinning boys were between ten and twelve, already tall and lanky.
With dark hair and eyes and the caramel skin marking his Cuban heritage, Jonny was tall and lanky.
If I was lanky or wearing stilts I do n't know what I 'd do.
This one is about Federline getting cozy with a tall, lanky blonde.
A trim, athletic build is generally preferable to a lanky appearance.
He was tall and lanky with a huge smile and close-spaced eyes that seemed more soulful than his youthful looks warranted.
I could see puppies the same age as he was, still chubby, Ookii was lean and lanky, the diarrhea persisted.
A rather lanky Costa Rican made his first visit to OT that day too.
A Deutzia that is pruned each year by Stuart, was becoming very lanky, with a bare bottom.
If kept warm they grow too much, and in spring are poor lanky plants that can hardly be handled; but cool airy treatment keeps them short and sturdy.
If you feel less than confident about a lanky frame, or long for dangerous curves, this bikini may be the ideal choice.
There was a time when only Twiggy look-alike stick figures and girls with lanky, boyish frames could don a bikini on the beach.
To prevent their growing lanky, they should be kept with their heads almost touching the glass; and as the pots get filled with roots they must be shifted into others, 7 or 8 in.
His eyes were dark and warm like Bianca's, his frame just over six feet and still lanky, though he showed signs of starting to fill out.