To become lank.
Slender or thin; not well filled out; not plump; shrunken; lean.
Meagre, paltry, scant in quantity.
(of hair) Straight and flat; thin and limp. (Often associated with being greasy.)
Languid; drooping, slack.
Their black hair is shaggy rather than lank.
But the pure Laos are still distinguished by the high cheek-bones, small flat nose, oblique eyes, wide mouth, black lank hair, sparse beard, and yellow complexion of the Thai and other branches of the Mongol family.
Their hair is dark brown or black; smooth and curly, very different from the frizzly mop of the Papuan or the lank straight locks of the Malay.
These monkeys are characterized by their lank bodies, long slender limbs and tail, welldeveloped thumbs, absence of cheek-pouches, and complex stomachs.
A Seneca Beloit mbeilin a 0 n p lank into English Miles County Seats County Boundaries.....
Sometimes when hair is all one length, it can look lank and lifeless.
His hair is abundant, black, lank and coarse, but the beard is scanty, and usually plucked out, which gives him an effeminate appearance.
The other, whose appearance particularly struck Pierre, was a long, lank, round-shouldered, fair-haired man, slow in his movements and with an idiotic expression of face.
They may be generally described as of a stout, active, well-proportioned form; of a brown but never of an intensely dark complexion, with black, coarse, lank and abundant hair, and a little more beard than is possessed by the Siamese.
The islanders of the Bougainville Straits have lank, almost straight, black hair and very dark skins.
I nursed a hangover in the back of Lank & Harry's hire car.