A master of Tibetan Buddhism.
A South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama, used as a domestic beast of burden and a source of wool and meat.
Crossing the deserts of Koko Nor, they passed the great lake of that name, with its island of contemplative lamas, and, following a difficult and tortuous track across snow-covered mountains, they at last entered Lhasa on the 29th of January 1846.
For this purpose he resided like a monk for several years among the lamas at the monasteries of Zangla and Pukdal in Zanskar and latterly at Kanum in upper Bashahr, enjoying the assistance of learned lamas.
The person next in consideration to the two great lamas is the regent, who is an ecclesiastic appointed during the minority of each Dalai lama.
Chandra Das also brought back from his journeys a large number of interesting books in Tibetan and Sanskrit, the most valuable of which have been edited and published by him, some with the assistance of Ugyen Gyatso and other lamas.
From this time the Sakya-pa lamas became the universal rulers of Tibet, and remained so, at least nominally, under twenty-one successive lamas during seventy years (1270-1340).
When the Mongol dynasty of China passed away, the Mings confirmed and enlarged the dominion of the Tibetan rulers, recognizing at the same time the chief lamas of the eight principal monasteries of the country.
The Mongols were interested in the religion of the lamas, especially since 1576, when Altan, khakan of the Tumeds, and his cousin summoned the chief lama of the most important monastery to visit him.
This lama was Sodnam rGyamtso, the third successor of Gedundub, the founder of the Tashilhunpo monastery in 1447, who had been elected to the more important abbotship of Galdan near Lhasa, and was thus the first of the great, afterwards Dalai, lamas.
In 1890 a treaty was concluded, and trade regulations under this treaty in 1893; but the negotiations were carried on with the Chinese authorities, and the lamas, considering themselves to have received insufficient recognition, repudiated them and offered further insults.
Partly on this account, and in spite of the attempts of the Chinese authorities to bring about a settlement, there was some delay owing to the attitude of the lamas, but finally a treaty of peace was concluded on the 7th of September.
But in 1909 Chinese troops were sent to operate on the Sze-ch`uen frontier against certain insurgent lamas, whom they handled severely.
Meanwhile Jenghiz Khan had founded the Mongol empire, and his grandson Kublai Khan became a convert to the Buddhism of the Tibetan Lamas.
Thus was the foundation laid at one and the same time of the temporal sovereignty of the Lamas of Tibet, and of the suzerainty over Tibet of the emperors of China.
Under Kublai's successors in China the Buddhist cause flourished greatly, and the Sakya Lamas extended their power both at home and abroad.
In doctrine the great Tibetan teacher, who had no access to the Pali Pitakas, adhered in the main to the purer forms of the Mahayana school; in questions of church government he took little part, and did not dispute the titular supremacy of the Sakya Lamas.
And first as to the mode of electing successors to the two Great Lamas.
Like the Great Lamas, they bear the title of Rinpotshe or Glorious, and are looked upon as incarnations of one or other of the celestial Bodhisats of the Great Vehicle mythology.
Mary Wright married Isaac Sewell on 15 th June 1819 at Lamas, Norfolk after a five year courtship.
So here then we should understand what is meant by ' venerable lamas ' by looking at the Tibetan word.
I bow to all the high and holy lamas.
The chief lamas in the monasteries are often truly venerable men.
In reality it's the home of the re-incarnated Tibetan Buddhist lamas who guard some of the eternal truths.
Among the 8 tomb pagodas of the Dalai Lamas, the 5th tomb is the most extravagant.
He shuffled fae wan foot tae the ither, lookin at the lamas, who stood smilin at the wean in the cradle.
Mahakala embroidered Billy jeans feature a stitched emblem of the Buddha of compassion and special protector of the Dalai Lamas on the back pocket.
In the latest installment of the show, that looking back, seems to serve no purpose but make it okay for one man to date 25 women at one time, Brit bachelor Matt Grant chose 22-year old Shayne Lamas to present with the final rose.
Not only did Grant present Lamas with the final rose, he also presented her with a 2.85 carat diamond engagement ring.
The Lamas family, helmed by actor Lorenzo Lamas, is getting their own reality television show.
Despite a long history of family friction, Lamas believes that the show will help them heal and grow stronger together.
The reality program, tentatively titled The Lamas Life, is set to air on the E!
The main point of contention in the Lamas family is the fact that Lorenzo's fourth wife, Shauna Sand, had an affair with his son, A.J., who was 18 years old at the time.
Viewers may already be familiar with Shayne Lamas.
Shayne was approached by producer Mike Fleiss, who is behind The Bachelor, with the idea to created the Lamas family reality show.
Lorenzo Lamas is best known for his role as Lance on the 80's prime time soap opera Falcon Crest.
Lamas are both aspiring actors, who have appeared on soap operas themselves.
While the Lamas family isn't considered "A-List," enough viewers will be familiar with them that the show could be a success.
According to Tibetan tradition, reincarnated Lamas must undergo a series of tests to confirm that the reincarnation is legitimate.
English financier Matt Grant chose Shayne Lamas, daughter of actor Lorenzo Lamas.
Matt ended up with Chelsea Wanstrath and Shayne Lamas (daughter of actor Lorenzo Lamas) as the final two, and he chose Shayne.
Leave it to Lamas is a documentary-style reality television show on the E! network.
The show follows actor Lorenzo Lamas and his family as they pursue their everyday goals, both professionally and personally.
The format for Leave it to Lamas is almost identical to that of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.
Lorenzo Lamas was born on January 20, 1958 in Santa Monica, California.
Lamas' big break came in 1980 when he won the role of Lance on the prime time soap opera Falcon Crest.
In 1992, Lamas played Reno Raines in the television drama Renegade, which lasted for five seasons.
Shayne Dahl Lamas is the daughter of Lorenzo Lamas and his ex-wife Michele Smith.
To learn more about Leave it to Lamas and check out photos and recaps from the show, visit the official website at E!
Kang-hi next ordered a similar map to be made of Tibet, the survey being executed by two lamas who were carefully trained as surveyors by the Jesuits at Peking.
To escape attention the little party assumed the dress of lamas or priests.