A master of Tibetan Buddhism.
He looked identical to the child in Lama Zopa's dream.
The person next in consideration to the two great lamas is the regent, who is an ecclesiastic appointed during the minority of each Dalai lama.
The administrative subdivisions of the Lhasa country, of which there are fifty-four, are called jong, or " prefecture," each of which is under the rule of two jong-pon, the one a lama, the other a layman.
After travelling from Lhasa to Peking with a lama mission he returned, again by Lhasa, to India, and was an eyewitness of the sack of Delhi by Nadir Shah in 1737.
He actually did reach Lhasa, stayed there about five months, and had several interviews with the Dalai lama, but was compelled to return to India.
Lama Ugyen Gyatso, a semi-Tibetan, who was originally a teacher of Tibetan in a Darjeeling school, was trained by the Indian Survey Department as a surveyor, and being deputed to take tribute from his monastery to Tashilhunpo, he secured permission in 1879 from the Tashilhunpo authorities for Sarat Chandra Das, Bengali schoolmaster at Darjeeling, to visit that monastery, where his name was entered as a student.
He travelled by way of Tashilhunpo, lay dangerously ill for some time at Samding monastery, duly reached Lhasa, where he visited the Dalai Lama, but owing to small-pox in the city could remain there only a fortnight, though he made full use of this time.
The Mongols were interested in the religion of the lamas, especially since 1576, when Altan, khakan of the Tumeds, and his cousin summoned the chief lama of the most important monastery to visit him.
This lama was Sodnam rGyamtso, the third successor of Gedundub, the founder of the Tashilhunpo monastery in 1447, who had been elected to the more important abbotship of Galdan near Lhasa, and was thus the first of the great, afterwards Dalai, lamas.
To Sodnam rGyamtso the Mongol khans gave the title of Vajra Dalai Lama in 1576, and this is the first use of the widely known title of Dalai Lama.
During the minority of the fifth (really the third) Dalai Lama, when the Mongol king Tengir To, under the pretext of supporting the religion, intervened in the affairs of the country, the Pan-ch'en Lo-sang Ch'o-kyi Gyal-ts'ang lama obtained the withdrawal of the invaders by the payment of a heavy war indemnity, and then applied for help to the first Manchu emperor of China, who had just ascended the throne.
This step enraged the Mongols, and caused the advance of Gushri Khan, son and successor of Tengir To, who invaded Tibet, dethroned all the petty princes, including the king of Tsang, and, after having subjugated the whole of the country, made the fifth Dalai lama supreme monarch of all Tibet, in 1645.
The Chinese government in 1653 confirmed the Dalai Lama in his authority, and he paid a visit to the emperor at Peking.
The Mongol Khoshotes in 1706 and the Sungars in 1717 interfered again in the succession of the Dalai lama, but the Chinese army finally conquered the country in 1720, and the present system of government was established.
A lama, a Mongolian Buriat by birth and a Russian subject, whose Russianized name was Dorjiev, had come to Lhasa about 1880.
He obtained a commanding influence over the Dalai Lama, impressed upon him the dangers which threatened Tibet from England, and suggested the desirability of securing Russian protection and even the possibility of converting the tsar and his empire to Buddhism.
The Dalai Lama assented, and was even prepared to visit St Petersburg, but was checked by the Tsong-du (assembly).
The Dalai Lama, inspired by Dorjiev, now took steps to bring on a crisis by provoking England.
The Dalai Lama had fled with Dorjiev.
The Dalai Lama was now summoned to Peking, where he obtained the imperial authority to resume his administration in place of the provisional governors appointed as a result of the British mission.
When the Dalai Lama attempted to give orders that they should cease, the Chinese amban in Lhasa disputed his authority, and summoned the Chinese troops to enter the city.
They did so, and the Dalai Lama fled to India in February 1910, staying at Darjeeling.
To the Dalai Lama, who had attempted to obtain British intervention at Peking, it was made clear that he personally had no claim to this, as the British government could only recognize the de facto government in Tibet.
Although the name llama properly applies only to one of the domesticated breeds, zoologically it is taken to include all the South American representatives of the Camelidae, which form the genus Lama.
In stature the alpaca (Lama huanacos pacos) is considerably inferior to the llama, but has the same unpleasant habit of spitting.
These two leaders were then known as the Dalai Lama and the Pantshen Lama, and were the abbots of the great monasteries at Gedun Dubpa, near Lhasa, and at Tashi Lunpo, in Farther Tibet, respectively.
In the same way the Pantshen Lama is looked upon as an incarnation, the Nirmana-kaya, of Amitabha, who had previously appeared under the outward form of Tshonkapa himself; and the Dalai Lama is looked upon as an incarnation of Avalokitesvara.
But practically the Dalai Lama, owing to his position in the capital,' has the political supremacy, and is actually called the Gyalpo Rinpotshe, " the glorious king " - his companion being content with the title Pantshen Rinpotshe, " the glorious teacher."
For that purpose the names of all male children born just after the death of the deceased Great Lama are laid before his survivor.
The child whose name is first drawn is the future Great Lama; the other two receive each of them 500 pieces of silver.
Their number varies from ten to a hundred; and it is uncertain whether the honour is inherent in the abbacy of certain of the greatest cloisters, or whether the Dalai Lama exercises the right of choosing them.
The political authority of the Dalai Lama is confined to Tibet itself, but he is the acknowledged head also of the Buddhist church throughout Mongolia and China.
The guanaco (Lama huanacus), which stands nearly 4 ft.
The llama (Lama huanacus glama) is a domesticated derivative of the wild guanaco, which has been bred as a beast of burden.
Seeing the Dalai Lama address an audience in 1993 - such a tiny man yet he filled the auditorium with his radiance.
Dalai Lama archbishop a slice swing.
Ordinarily the term denotes a reincarnate lama, but in the terminology of Tibetan religious art it came to designate any outstandingly inspired artist.
My ambition is to become a Tibetan scholar and teach other monks, and to become a big lama.
One of these latter was a Tibetan lama with whom Alan had been friendly for several years.
I saw him going out leading a party to meet a visiting high lama.
Ah wondered when ma da was gonnae start his speil aboot the wean bein the new lama.
As that now flop the first dalai lama archbishop a slice swing.
The only resource the Tibetan government has is its image of moral probity which is indivisible from the perception of the Dalai Lama.
I am afraid we cannot find the High Lama, so we will have to make our way southwards.
An equally popular book is the Love Songs of Ts'angs-dbyangs rgyamts'o, attributed to the dissipated young Dalai lama who was deposed in 1701 (see Lhasa).
Some fifty volumes, the relics of the mission library, were in 1847 recovered from Lhasa by Brian Hodgson, through the courtesy of the Dalai lama himself, and were transmitted as an offering to Pope Pius IX.
The Chutuktus, or abbots of the great monasteries, then assemble, and after a week of prayer, the lots are drawn in their presence and in presence of the surviving Great Lama and of the Chinese political resident.
Anyone found supporting the Dalai Lama can expect instant and harsh retribution in the shape of a lengthy spell in jail or worse.
Cyberspace is a place for mutual trust Note about Tarthang Tulku, Tibetan lama Do straitened minds compensate with mystical hopes?
One of the most amazing stories is that of the Tibetan monks and the reincarnation of Lama Yeshe in the 1980s.