To secrete or produce milk
If a lactating vixen is shot, how does a keeper locate and humanly dispatch the cubs without a terrier to ascertain their whereabouts?
Not recommended for kids under thirteen or women who are pregnant or lactating.
Estrogen and progesterone work together to prepare for milk production while preventing the body from lactating until the baby arrives.
While this is important in people during all stages of life, it is very important for pregnant or lactating women.
Information is also provided for feeding to pregnant and lactating ewes.
Can be used safely on all animals, even pregnant or lactating females.
Also meets all the nutritional requirements of pregnant and lactating queens.
Valsartan was excreted in the milk of lactating rats.
The auditor observed a lactating sow trapped on 17 May 2000.
Many doctors and nutritionists recommend that pregnant or lactating women take supplements.
In addition, expectant and lactating mothers are given higher vitamin C allowance.
Talk with your doctor before supplementing with folate, or if you are pregnant, lactating, or have other conditions that may interfere with folate absorption.
Adult males and females need approximately 400 ?g per day of folic acid, while pregnant women need approximately 600 ?g per day and lactating women need about 500.
If you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or lactating, it is best to avoid herbal supplements unless advised by your doctor.