A traditional article of clothing worn in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, consisting of a loose, collarless, long-sleeved, knee-length shirt worn by both men and women.
The kurta is a sort of sleeveless shirt, open in front and reaching to the waist.
When the kurta is worn it is worn under the anga.
On the upper part of the body the kurta is sometimes worn.
This kurta is the equivalent for the shirt of Europe.
For the upper part of the body the principal article of clothing is the kurta.
It was formerly fastened with strings, but now with the ghundi (the old form of button) and tukmah or loop. In southern India, Gujarat and in the United Provinces the arid is much the same as to length and fit as the English shirt; as the traveller goes northward from Delhi to the Afghan border he sees the kurta becoming longer and looser till he finds the Pathan wearing it almost to his ankles, with very full wide sleeves.
In Kashmir and northern India generally the angiya is not worn, and the kurta is worn instead.
Among Pathans there are two kinds of kurta (kamis or khat); one worn by married women called giradana khat is dark red or blue, embroidered with silk in front; the jalana khat worn by unmarried women is less conspicuous for colour and ornament.
The Sikh calls his kurta jhagga; it is very large and loose, bound with a scarf round the waist.
In outlying villages he wears instead of the kurta a chadar or cloth, which he calls khes, on the upper part of his body.
For example, some women prefer maternity blue jeans and tee shirts while others like the look of maternity knit pants paired with a stylish crepe kurta.