Primarily, it was Jerome Shipton's severed climbing rope that remained a knotty question that wouldn't go away.
Their obscure and knotty language only serves to give peculiar brilliancy to the not uncommon passages of noble perspicacity.
In addition to having specific grades of cedar, siding is further divided into clear and knotty varieties.
If you don't pull enough string through initially, the string will wrap around the tuning peg too many times creating a knotty mess.
Short-term funding and lack of full cost recovery are particularly knotty problems.
Inside Cozy Cove is an old-fashioned bar complete with fireplace and knotty pine paneling.
Knotty Plans - has a PDF download pedestal desk plan for $9.95.
The trees, except in the Washoe Mountains, are of very slow growth and therefore knotty and ill-adapted for timber.
The thick, aromatic, knotty, and fibrous root system of ginger is commonly used for a multitude of things.
Ginger root is a thick, knotty stem that has an earthy appearance, much like a tree branch.
Mixed with knotty pine and early American antiques, wrought iron enhances an Americana design.
Knotty pine floors graced with a braided rug is a great starting point.
They provide frames in pine, knotty alder, Douglas fir, mahogany, cherry, walnut and oak.
Quality knotty cedar is also fine for exterior use, but it may have larger knots in the wood.
In the most prevalent variety of the Norway spruce the wood is white, apt to be very knotty when the tree has grown in an open place, but, as produced in the close northern forests, often of fine and even grain.
When a layman found himself in doubt, his duty was not to consult his conscience, but to take the advice of his confessor; while the confessor himself was bound to follow the rules laid down by the casuistical experts, who delivered themselves of a kind of "counsel's opinion" on all knotty points of practical morality.