A New Zealander.
A flightless bird of the genus Apteryx native to New Zealand.
A New Zealand dollar.
A kiwi fruit.
A green-yellow colour, like that of kiwi flesh (also called kiwi green).
A member of the air force who does not fly.
The most extraordinary feature is unquestionably the former existence of the gigantic Dinornithes or moas and, another family of Ratitae, the weird-looking kiwis or Apteryges, which are totally unlike any other existing birds.
Another important point, in which the moas agree with the other Ratitae and differ from the kiwis, are the branched, instead of simple, porous canals in the eggshell.
At any rate we begin to see that some of the Ratitae, namely the Rheidae, may possibly be an early and then much modified offshoot of such of the Carinatae as are now represented by the Crypturi, whilst in another part of the world, and at a much later time, kiwis and moas have sprung from a somewhat more Gallilorm stock, which points to a descent from a still undivided GalliformTinamiform mass.
The pelvis much resembles that of the kiwis.
The feathers have a large after-shaft which is of the size of the other half, likewise in agreement with the Australian Ratitae, while in the others, including the kiwis, the after-shaft is absent.
The affinities of the moas are undoubtedly with the Australian Ratitae, and, in spite of the differences mentioned above, with the kiwis.
The relationship with Aepyornis of Madagascar is still problematic. Whilst the moas seem to have been entirely herbivorous, feeding not unlikely upon the shoots of ferns, the kiwis have become highly specialized wormeaters.
In case of decent weather the chances to see kiwis are very good.
The warm climate in Western Georgia is ideal for growing tropical fruits such as kiwis, but growing kiwis was a new idea.
The plant and animal life are excellent offering opportunities to see the varied birdlife (including kiwis ), seals, dolphins and whales.
I favor Battle Front, but that is mainly because I know the fellow kiwis running the outfit.
They may include hardy kiwis [Actinidia spp ], and grapes [Vitis spp] .
Kiwis - These small fruits are mighty when it comes to vitamins.