A fore-and-aft rigged sailing vessel with two masts, main and mizzen, the mizzen being stepped forward of the rudder post.
Voyages last between 2 and 7 days aboard our 76 foot gaff rigged ketch, Greater Manchester Challenge.
Dear YM - I have a 52ft steel ketch with shorepower, connected through an isolating transformer and RCD (residual current device ).
Try the wooden sailing ketch from Cala Gonone to the fabulous sea caves and beaches nearby.
I knew him to be the foremost authority then living on the coastal trading ketch.
Typical South West inshore trawler This model is still incomplete Motorized sailing ketch by John Berridge.
This 40 foot ketch is fitted with a twizzle rig for down wind sailing.
Designed by the erstwhile chief designer of Camper & Nicholson, this 58 ' gaff ketch is simply stunning.
Couple of months working on my own boat a little 32 ft steel ketch based in South Africa.