A piece of cloth used to cover the head; a bandana.
To cover with a kerchief.
The cold wind flapped the ends of her kerchief and her loose locks of gray hair.
Beneath the, charkaddis generally a small kerchief of dark material, only the edge of which is visible.
Once or twice he shrugged his shoulders and raised his hand to the kerchief, as if wishing to take it off, but let it drop again.
Several times on glancing that way he noticed behind that door a plump, rosy, handsome woman in a pink dress with a lilac silk kerchief on her head, holding a dish and evidently awaiting the entrance of the commander-in-chief.
She dabbed at her eyes with a kerchief.
Anisya Fedorovna flushed, and drawing her kerchief over her face went laughing out of the room.
The next day she brought me my chocolate, but her beautiful breast was covered with a white kerchief.
I stepped forward and loosened the red kerchief tied around his filthy neck.
According to the most recent version of the legend, Veronica was a pious woman of Jerusalem, who, moved with pity by the spectacle of Jesus carrying His cross to Golgotha, gave Him her kerchief in order that He might wipe the drops of agony from His brow.
These uniforms consisted of a khaki color blouse and skirt, a kerchief style tie and a wide brimmed hat with a GS logo pin on the center of the front.
She wore long woollen robes; a veil and a kerchief for the head, her hair being plaited up with a purple band in a conical form (tutulus); and shoes made of the leather of sacrificed animals; like her husband, she carried the sacrificial knife.
While still a few steps from the officer she unfolded the kerchief and took out of it a white twenty- five-ruble assignat and hastily handed it to him.
The 1914 uniform, which is currently on display at Girl Scout Camp Hoffman in West Kingston, RI, consisted of a khaki color blouse and skirt, a kerchief style tie and a wide brimmed hat with a GS logo pin on the front center.