The protein of which hair and nails are composed.
Typical albuminoids are gelatin, keratin, elastin, fibroin, spongin and conchiolin.
Human hair is made up largely of keratin.
Brazilian Blowout is a brand of keratin treatment performed in salons that gives smooth, shiny, frizz-free, often perfect hair.
There seems to be confusion and sometimes a breakdown in communication between stylists and clients since the term "Brazilian Blowout" has become somewhat of a catch-all description for keratin hair straightening processes.
Except for a few growing cells at the base of the root, hair, which is composed of keratin and other proteins, is dead tissue.
Its insolubility is much the same as keratin.
It is not clear from Welch's account what is the cause of the whiteness of the tips of the hairs of the autumn coat, but his figures suggest that it is due to the development of gas in the interspaces between the keratin bridges and trabeculae of the hairs.
Whilst still at the basal layer, they begin forming a protein called keratin.
Human skin contains keratin which is a fibrous protein which is also the principal constituent of hair.
Clothes moth larvae are among the few insects able to digest the keratin of hairs and feathers.
Your hair is comprised of a protein called keratin.
A pimple is nothing more than a plug of fat, skin debris, or keratin stuck in a hair duct.
If it's in the budget, a Brazilian smoothing treatment packed with keratin may help boost hair health in the interim.
The treatment takes about 60 to 90 minutes and works by filling in gaps in the hair shaft with keratin.
Your hair and fingernails are both made of the same protein, which is called keratin.
The material is called keratin, and it is made in the body's stem cells.
For the stomach and intestines we employ the same drug in the form of a pill; and when it is desired to act especially upon the intestines, the pills are made of a harder consistence or less soluble preparation, or are covered with keratin, so that they may not act much, if at all, upon the stomach while passing through it before reaching the intestines.