A Japanese martial art using "swords" of split bamboo.
There is a great deal to be learned from watching him do kendo no kata.
I felt we both showed some of our best kendo.
A topic close to Wilf's heart is how to introduce and develop kendo for beginners.
They are intended to prepare beginners for shinai kendo in armor, rather than to keep in touch with the traditions of kendo in armor, rather than to keep in touch with the traditions of kendo.
Devised by the Zen Nippon kendo Renmei, this features use of the bokuto to learn basic shinai kendo techniques.
They are intended to prepare beginners for shinai kendo in armor, rather than to keep in touch with the traditions of kendo.
Kendo practitioners wear full armor and fence with bamboo swords called shinai.
Included games that have been announced are Frisbee, Jet Skiing, and Kendo (sword fighting).