A fermented milk drink from the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, similar to yogurt but more liquidy.
A half cup of the coconut water kefir with meals greatly helps digestion.
Kefir is a drink made of milk fermented with kefir grains.
Most dairy products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, and cream, are significant sources of meat-free protein.
Many of these products are dairy items, such as yogurt, buttermilk, cottage cheese, and kefir.
Buttermilk, yogurt, kefir, and raw sauerkraut, are some of the more popular and easily accessible probiotic foods offered in supermarkets.
Kefir, a milk product cultured predominantly with bifidobacterium strains has made a major comeback in the United States' market.
Although this food can be cultured easily at home using [benefits of raw goat milk kefir grains], health food stores such as Whole Foods Market now carry several brands of this product.
Moreover, though probiotic dairy foods are sometimes tolerated by individuals who are otherwise lactose intolerant, coconut kefir is now becoming a popular item in health food stores.
It is also advisable to consume unflavored and unsweetened yogurt and kefir products, although many people have an initially difficult time appreciating the sour taste of these foods.
Probiotics found in supplements and fermented dairy products like soy and kefir reintroduce healthy flora to the gut, allowing the bacteria to recolonize and regain control from harmful bacteria and fungus.
Probiotic supplements and foods (such as yogurt, kefir, and kombucha) reintroduce the beneficial flora to your intestines, simulating colonization of helpful gut flora.
Fermented foods such as yogurt and kefir contain probiotic bacteria.