A spiritual part of the soul in Egyptian mythology, which survived after death.
The latter closes with a visit to the Ka`ba, but its essential ceremonies lie outside Mecca, at the neighbouring shrines where the old Arabs gathered before the Meccan fair.
While the pure-blooded Malays of the Peninsula are Mahommedans, the Siamese and Lao profess a form of Buddhism which is tinged by Cingalese and Burmese influences, and, especially in the more remote country districts, by the spirit-worship which is characteristic of the imaginative and timid Ka and other hill peoples of Indo-China.
The siege was raised in the third month on the news of the death of Yazid, but not before the Ka`ba had been destroyed.
Let KA and LB be the positions of NP corresponding to the extreme values of x.
In the centre of the town stands Meshed (strictly Meshhed) `Ali, the shrine of `Ali, containing the reputed tomb of that caliph, which is regarded by the Shi`ite Moslems as being no less holy than the Ka`ba itself, although it should be said that it is at least very doubtful whether `Ali was actually buried there.
If, on the other hand, we were to take them very close to KA and LB respectively, the area of K 0 M B Z the trapezette would be the greater.
Of these the principal are the Lawa, Lamet, Ka Hok, Ka Yuen and Kamoo, the last four collectively known to the Siamese as Ka.
Though ignorant of the legal ritual and prayers, they performed the tawaf with enthusiasm, throwing themselves against the Ka`ba and clinging to its curtains as a child clings to its mother.
After the Ka`ba the principal points of interest in the mosque are the well Zamzam and the Maqam Ibrahim.
There is a tradition that the Ka`ba was a temple of Saturn (Shahrastani, p. 431); perhaps the most distinctive feature of the shrine may be sought in the sacred doves which still enjoy the protection of the sanctuary.
The effect of maloy ka kenney accounted for percent percent of amounts.
The deficiencies of the Greek symbolism were partially remedied; subtraction was denoted by placing a dot over the subtrahend; multiplication, by placing bha (an abbreviation of bhavita, the product ") after the factors; division, by placing the divisor under the dividend; and square root, by inserting ka (an abbreviation of karana, irrational) before the quantity.
The chief ceremony initiated by Guru Govind Singh was the Khanda ka Pahul or baptism by the sword.
Meanwhile a headless statue of a king named Khyan, found at Bubastis, was attributed on various grounds to the Hyksos, the soundest arguments being his foreign name and the boastful un-Egyptian epithet "beloved of his ka," where "beloved of Ptah" or some other god was to be expected.
Only the old wheezy engines in the base models give the game away that Ka is no longer a fresh design.
Kingda Ka is also one of the world's tallest roller coasters at more than 420 feet tall, and its vertical tower allows trains to use up their excess speed in an exhilarating way.
The Kingda Ka roller coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey is one of the world's most thrilling coasters as well as one of its most fearsome.
Not for the faint hearted, Kingda Ka will challenge any coaster enthusiast's adrenaline.
Kingda Ka is a fearsome ride, designed by Intamin AG and powered by an intense hydraulic launch system that propels riders from a stop to 128 miles per hour in less than four seconds.
From the loading platforms - Kingda Ka is equipped with dual platforms for both loading and unloading to speed up the ride cycle - the coaster enters a brief staging area as riders stare down the launch straightaway.
When it opened on May 21, 2005, Kingda Ka was the tallest, fastest roller coaster in the world, records that would not be beaten for years.
Its $25 million price tag was well worth it, however, and ever since riders have flocked to challenge the Kingda Ka roller coaster and to tame its impressive statistics.
Kingda Ka was part of the largest expansion project in the history of Six Flags Great Adventure.
In addition to the coaster, the 11 acre "Golden Kingdom" area where Kingda Ka resides is also home to different restaurants, eateries, and shopping.
Kingda Ka is not recommended for anyone with heart conditions or head, back, or neck problems, as well as anyone sensitive to motion sickness or women who may be pregnant.
Long lines are normal for Kingda Ka, and eager riders should take care of restroom breaks and other necessities before entering the queue.
Kingda Ka uses an over the shoulder restraint harness with a solid waist restraint and more flexible thick straps over the shoulders.
The Kingda Ka roller coaster is a fantastic ride and a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Ka, " I have found it, have found it."
It was also called Hakeptah, "Residence of the ka of Ptah," and this name furnishes a possible origin for that of Egypt (A'lyvirros).
The earliest mosque erected was that at Mecca, which consisted of a great court, in the centre of which was the Ka`ba or Holy Stone.
The Porte, unable to resist, was obliged to consent to the convention of Ainali Ka y ak (March 10, 1779) whereby the Russian partisan, Shahin Girai, was recognized as khan of the Crimea, the admission of Russian vessels to navigate Turkish waters was reaffirmed and Russia's right of intervention in the affairs of the Danubian principalities was formally recognized.
Five years later Potemkin induced the chiefs of the Crimea and Kuban to hold a meeting at which the annexation of their country to Russia was declared, Turkey giving her consent by a convention, signed at Constantinople, on the 8th of January 1784, by which the stipulations as to the liberty of the Tatars contained in the treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji and the convention of Ainali Ka y ak were abrogated.
Russia, desirous of deriving some return for the support which she had given the sultan during his rupture with the French, induced the Porte to address to her a note in which the right of intervention in the affairs of the principalities, conferred on her by the treaty of Kainarji and reaffirmed in the convention of Ainali Ka y ak, was converted into a specific stipulation that the hospodars should be appointed in future for seven years and should not be dismissed without the concurrence of the Russian ambassador at Constantinople.
The result is that practically all the trade of these states is in the hands of Bangkok Chinese firms, of a certain number of European houses and others, while most of the manual labour connected with the teak industry is done by Ka Mus, who migrate in large numbers from the left bank of the Mekong.
The gad-fly (abu), the housefly (hai), the mosquito (ka), the flea (nonzi) and occasionally the bedbug (called by the Japanese kara-mushi because it is believed to be imported from China), are all fully represented, and the dragon-fly (tombO) presents itself in immense numbers at certain seasons.
These last three have Negrito characteristics, and probably represent a race far older even than the ancient Ka.
The emission spectrum shows two lines, Ka, a double line towards the infra-red, and Ka in the violet.
Under the Old Kingdom the attendance on and services for a dead magnate - the sacrifices and libations at his tomb - were left, together with endowments, to a staff of priests, called "servants of the ko(ka)," whose offices were hereditary.
In particular we have some information about the codex of Ubay ibn Ka`b.
If the list which gives the order of its suras is correct, it must have contained substantially the same materials as our text; in that case Ubay ibn Ka`b must have used the original collection of Zaid.
This ka was supposed to be born together with the person to whom it belonged, and on the very rare occasions when it is depicted, wears his exact semblance.
Mahomet himself made a concession to heathen traditions when he recognized the Ka`ba and the black stone; and the worship of saints, which is now spread throughout Islam and supported by obviously forged traditions, is an example of the same thing.
Shoes are usually distinguished by the name of the material, as nari ka juta, leather shoes, banati juta, felt shoes, and so on.
Eleven days before a fire, caused by imprudence, had consumed all the woodwork of the Ka`ba and burst the black stone in three places.
Ibn Zobair, however, was occupied at Mecca with the rebuilding of the Ka`ba, and Mus`ab was harassed not only by the Kharijites, but also by a noble freebooter, Obaidallah b.
Hajjaj pulled down the enlargements and restored the Ka`ba to its old state.
Eutychius and others pretend that he desired to substitute Jerusalem for Mecca, because Ibn Zobair had occupied the latter place, and thus the pilgrimage to the Ka`ba had become difficult for the Syrians.
Ka`b, and the black standard of the Abbasids was raised over the city of Mansura.
Ka`b, the mother of Abu Ja`far was a Berber slave-girl.