A Japanese martial art and sport adapted from jujutsu.
He stood before her as he had in the sparring ring, sans any clothing but judo pants.
He wore only judo pants again this morning, his relaxed body reminding her too much of what it felt like to lie beneath him the day before.
He also studied judo with the famous Kodokan master, Mifune.
He also used to do judo at the YMCA, which is at the bottom end of Wimbledon Broadway.
For example, if I'm entering a Judo tournament, then my opponent is very likely to be a judo tournament, then my opponent is very likely to be a Judoka!
More specialist activities that club members have been involved with, include judo, Gymnastics and Tag Rugby.
He tugged on loose judo pants and flung himself on his back on the bed nearest the door.
Very recently a Harrow pupil spent a Gap Year in Japan learning judo.
I had hoped for about twelve but on the first night 28 youngsters turned up and none of them had ever practiced judo before!
Koizumi was to European judo what Kano was to world judo.
His sporting activities have included marathons, mountaineering, competitive judo, water-skiing, and water-ski jumping.
He founded his first club in 1882 and today millions of people of all ages practice judo.
Make no bones about it, there are limits to how tough a world judo champion can be.
The under 15 boys judo team also did well coming in fourth place overall.
He made the problem work for him rather than against him, not unlike the theory behind the martial art of Judo.
Those with a lot of kicking, such as Karate or Tae Kwon Do, and ones that involve throwing, such as Judo, can expect to burn 817 calories in an hour for a 180-pound person.
When Laetitia is not busy with her career, she enjoys writing, dancing, rollerblading, traveling, cooking with her mom and practicing her Judo skills (she is a brown belt).
Apart from the judo, there was nothing outwardly special about this rather repressed boy.
The plans, created by renowned architects make, detail the design of the National Center of Excellence for Judo.
In his early years Andrew Feest studied judo, gymnastics, modern ballet and tap dancing.
He changed directions and pulled on loose judo pants that settled low on his hips before replacing the red gem at his throat.
D wore judo pants low enough on his hips that she blushed as her gaze followed the trail of hair that disappeared into his pants.
At the age of 30 he was selected to represent Great Britain in the 1956 First World judo championships held in Japan.
He now trains twice a week in the state-of-the-art judo dojo at the University of Bath's Sports Training Village.
I started judo in 1962 at our local YMCA.
He opened it before she knocked, dressed for sparring in his judo pants and nothing else.
Following him was Kris, dressed in nothing but judo pants, as if Ully had dragged him straight out of bed.
The judo pants rode low enough on his hips to tease her imagination of what lay just a couple inches below the seam.