To cast off capriciously or unfeelingly, as a lover; to deceive in love.
Are you the jilted lover?
How long had it been since he had been jilted - five years?
The last thing she wanted to hear this morning was how poor little Alex had been jilted at the altar.
Years ago he had been jilted at the altar by a girl he thought he loved.
The Bintley twist was to have some Wilis - the ghosts of jilted brides - fly literally about the place.
At times God sounds like a jealous, jilted lover.
These psychics dazzle with their ability to pinpoint the problem, come up with the name of a jilted lover or understand your pain.
Mark Zuckerberg, a college student at the time in 2003, originally conceived the idea after getting jilted by a date.
Not another jilted lover out for revenge!
She's as upset as a jilted lover over Quinn's attitude and I'm afraid she's going to do something irrational.