Local disturbance in blood circulation due to mechanical obstruction of the blood supply (vasoconstriction, thrombosis or embolism).
Late manifestations may include angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure and severe mitral regurgitation.
Reduced myocardial ischemia has been observed in patients treated with statins.
Hence angioplasty is rarely an approach for these patients until critical limb ischemia develops.
The resulting low cardiac output can cause hypotension, renal insufficiency and/or acute hepatic ischemia.
For this discussion, it's especially noteworthy that vitamin E may have direct beneficial effects against cardiac ischemia [5] .
Occlusive disease and the resulting ischemia threaten the viability of the lower limb, particularly in diabetics.
Ischemia usually occurs when an artery is compressed as it passes through a tightly flexed joint.
For those with frequent paresthesias caused by ischemia, changes in posture may help.
Twisting of any portion of the intestines may cut off the supply of blood to a loop of bowel (strangulation), reducing the flow of oxygen to bowel tissue (ischemia) and leading to tissue death (gangrene).
Some children with intussusception may appear lethargic or have altered mental status, believed by physicians to be related to ischemia of the bowel and a decreased level of consciousness.
Stress on the bone, ischemia (reduced blood supply), and trauma to the site are commonly mentioned factors.