In an irregular manner; without rule, method, or order.
The irregularly shaped precinct around the temple was enclosed by a balustrade about 3 ft.
The passages were all cut in a closegrained stone, and are very narrow, with arched ceilings, running very irregularly, and ramifying in all direc tions.
It is picturesquely placed on the river Kent, and is irregularly built.
The town is irregularly built on the cliffs to the south of Torbay, and its harbour is sheltered by a breakwater.
The epiotic is often small, ossifies irregularly, and fuses with the supra-occipital.
The town is built on low sandy ground, is irregularly laid out, and its streets are not paved.
What is given by the formulae is accordingly the mean radius of an irregularly shaped solid (or, more probably, of the region in which the field of force surrounding such a solid is above a certain intensity), and the mean has to be taken in different ways in the different phenomena.
The central fruits of each triplet form two regular rows, but the lateral spikelets form not four straight single rows as in (ii.), but two regular double rows, the whole ear appearing irregularly four-rowed.
The cylindrical form of jet is unstable if its length is more than 7 times its diameter, and usually the irregular disturbances it receives at the orifice go on growing, and ultimately break it up irregularly into drops which go out at different rates.
Their internal structure consists of cells, disposed irregularly, and sometimes leaving spaces which are filled with air for the purpose of floating the leaf.
The city is irregularly laid out.
The Tsar's foot, in the narrow pointed boot then fashionable, touched the groin of the bobtailed bay mare he rode, his hand in a white glove gathered up the reins, and he moved off accompanied by an irregularly swaying sea of aides-de-camp.
The prevailing colour of the most admired varieties of the canary is yellow, approaching in some cases to orange, and in others to white; while the most robust birds are those which, in the dusky green of the upper surface of their plumage, show a distinct approach to the wild forms. The least prized are those in which the plumage is irregularly spotted and speckled.
The annexation of Texas, achieved just before the close of his administration, seemed to commend him for a second term on that issue, and in May 1844 he was renominated by a convention of Democrats, irregularly chosen, at Baltimore.
The borough returned two members to parliament more or less irregularly from the first parliament of Edward I.
The city, which is dominated on the west by the two citadels of Petersbergand Cyriaxburg, is irregularly built, the only feature in its plan, or want of plan, being the Friedrich Wilhelmsplatz, a broad open space of irregular shape abutting on the Petersberg.
It contains almost all his philosophy - but irregularly and without due proportion.
She starts her nest underground or in a surface depression, forming a number of waxen cells, roughly globular in shape and arranged irregularly.
The island is irregularly elliptical - somewhat triangular - in shape, and is 36 m.
The town is irregularly built, and some of the old walls and towers still remain, but its general aspect is modern.
Many of these stars seem to vary quite irregularly; the changes of magnitude do not recur in any orderly way.
From 1750 until about 1832 it seems to have varied irregularly between the second and the fourth magnitudes.
P. grandidentata, the large-leaved American aspen, has ovate or roundish leaves deeply and irregularly serrated on the margin.
The town is very old and irregularly built, and the climate is unhealthy; nevertheless it has a lively export trade in sugar and coffee and is a regular port of call.
Baxter was irregularly elected.
Although irregularly built the town is pleasantly situated, and contains two fine squares, on one of which stands a fine statue of St Boniface.
There is general engorgement and oedema of the lungs, with pneumonic patches varying in size and irregularly distributed.
In time the original impure copper of the plates becomes replaced by refined copper, but if the plates are initially very impure and dissolve irregularly, it may happen that much residual scrap may have to be remelted, or that some of the metal may be twice refined, thus involving a waste of energy.
Like his father he was deeply grieved by the liberal theology and Church polity of the new Brattle Street Congregation, and conscientiously opposed its pastor Benjamin Colman, who had been irregularly ordained in England and by a Presbyterian body; but with his father he took part in 1700 in services in Colman's church.
They are not confined to any one horizon, but occur irregularly throughout the Jurassic and occasionally also amongst the Cretaceous strata.
The Dravidian races (Brahuis), who are chiefly represented by the Kambaranis and Mingals or Mongals (the latter are doubtless of Tatar origin), spread through southern Baluchistan as well as the eastern hills, and are scattered irregularly through the mountain tracts south of Kharan.
Such collisions are inevitable in consequence of the different velocities acquired by the drops under the action of the capillary force, as they break away irregularly from the continuous portion of the jet.
It consists of a quaint and irregularly built old town, a new quarter, and two extensive suburbs, Altenburg and Neumarkt.
When the Greeks achieved independence they refused to be subject ecclesiastically to a patriarch who was nominated by the sultan (June 9, 1828); and, to add to their difficulties, there were in the country twenty-two bishops who had been consecrated by the patriarch, twelve bishops who had been consecrated irregularly during the war, and about twenty bishops who had been deprived of their sees during the troubles - i.e.
It is irregularly built on the shore of the Irish Sea and on the cliffs above, at the mouth of the river Ellen.
In Aurelia there are found numerous otoliths arranged irregularly.
Wurzburg is quaintly and irregularly built; many of the houses are interesting specimens of medieval architecture; and the numerous old churches recall the fact that it was long the capital of an ecclesiastical principality.
The glacier or ice sheet overran all Maine, irregularly scouring out the bed rock to produce rock basins, damming up many river valleys with glacial deposits and completely disarranging the drainage lines.
The buildings in the first two quarters are of stone, in the third of wood, irregularly arranged along unpaved, dirty streets.
Such twins may therefore be mistaken for simple crystals unless they are attentively studied; but the twinning is often made evident by the presence of irregularly bounded areas of the duller z faces coinciding with the brighter r faces.
Quartz occurs as a primary and essential constituent of igneous rocks of acidic composition such as granite, quartz-porphyry and rhyolite, being embedded in these either as irregularly shaped masses or as porphyritic crystals.
The town is irregularly built and its streets are steep and narrow, but it is surrounded by wide tree-lined boulevards, which have replaced the ancient fortifications, and has some fine churches.
His pensions covered but a small part of his long life and were most irregularly paid.
It consists of the inner old town, and several suburbs, which stretch out irregularly into the plain.
There are more than five hundred pillars in all, of very various style and workmanship, and the enclosure-250 paces in length and 200 in breadth, according to Burckhardt's measurement - is entered by nineteen archways irregularly disposed.
Precisely the same thing happens in the actual crust of the earth, except that, in the formations usually met with, the strata are so irregularly permeable that no such uniform percolation occurs, and most of the water, instead of oozing out near the sea-level, meets with obstructions which cause it to issue, sometimes below the sea-level and sometimes above it, in the form of concentrated springs.
From the overflow sill the bye-wash channel may be gradually narrowed as the crest of the embankment is passed, the water being prevented from attaining undue velocity by steps of heavy masonry, or, where the gradient is not very steep, by irregularly set masonry.
The declared consent of the parties to take each other there and then constituted at once (although irregularly) holy matrimony.
In the Dendroidea, as a rule, the polypary is non-symmetrical in shape and tree-like or shrub-like in habit, with numerous branches irregularly disposed, and with a distinct stem-like or short basal portion ending below in root-like fibres or in a membranous disk or sheet of attachment.
Juniperus Sabina is the savin, abundant on the mountains of central Europe, an irregularly spreading muchbranched shrub with scale-like glandular leaves, and emitting a disagreeable odour when bruised.