To dissociate atoms or molecules into electrically charged species; to be thus dissociated.
Capable of producing ions.
All this caused by ionizing radiation fallout from the nuclear weapons.
Liquid ammonia possesses strong ionizing powers, and solutions of salts in liquid ammonia have been much studied.
Attempts have been made to co-ordinate this ionizing power of solvents with their dielectric constants, or with their chemical properties.
On either Birkeland's or Nordmann's theory, the electric impulse from the sun acts indirectly by creating secondary cathode rays in the earth's atmosphere, or ionizing it so that discharges due to natural differences of potential are immensely facilitated.
The collapse of the gold-leaf is observed through an aperture in the case by a miscroscope, and the time taken by the goldleaf to fall over a certain distance is proportional to the ionizing current, that is, to the intensity of the radio-activity of the substance.
Study of the uncertainty in estimation of the exposure of non-human biota to ionizing radiation.
Greater ionizing radiation from the Sun during those times also tends to produce more nuclei in the atmosphere for cloud condensation.
Radioactivity The property of radionuclides of spontaneously emitting ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation means gamma rays, x-rays etc., which directly or indirectly are capable of producing ions (charged particles ).
Investigation of the effects of ionizing radiation on the physical properties of extracellular matrix macromolecules.
For instance, chemicals in tobacco include mutagens, and several types of ionizing radiation have mutagenic effects.
Note, no sensing of UV or of ionizing radiation.
In addition, CT exposes you to more ionizing radiation than do regular X-rays.
This is to determine the role of ionizing radiation in the treatment of clinical posterior uveitis.
If the atmosphere at different heights is exposed to ionizing radiation of uniform intensity the rate of production of ions per cc., q, will vary as the pressure.
In addition, these foods cannot be made with prohibited methods such as ionizing radiation.
Other sources of radiation are x-rays, radon gas, and ionizing radiation from nuclear material.
Exposure to ionizing radiation and to certain organic chemicals, such as benzene, is believed to increase the risk of developing leukemia.
People who are at an increased risk for developing leukemia because of proven exposure to ionizing radiation or exposure to the toxic liquid benzene, and people with Down syndrome, should undergo periodic medical checkups.
The frequency of chromosomal breaks is increased when T-lymphocytes are exposed to x rays in the laboratory, and this sensitivity to ionizing irradiation forms the basis for a specialized A-T diagnostic test.
The ionizing irradiation sensitivity test is the most useful test for diagnosing A-T.
Her exposure to industrial chemicals, solvents, and ionizing radiation (x ray) also increases the risk of having children with congenital heart defects.
For example, exposure to ionizing radiation and to certain organic chemicals, such as benzene, is believed to increase the risks for getting leukemia.
Ionizing radiation-Radiation that can damage living tissue by disrupting and destroying individual cells at the molecular level.
All types of nuclear radiation-x rays, gamma rays, and beta rays-are potentially ionizing.
According to recent recommendations by Consumer Reports, ionizing air purifiers could be harmful to your health.
An ionizing air purifier electrically charges air particles.
In recent years, Consumer Reports and other consumer advocacy groups have raised concerns about the ozone produced by ionizing air purifiers.
The reason that ionic air purifiers with HEPA filters are ideal for people with allergies is because of this ionizing technology.
Certain models utilize the electronic ionizing breeze technology that releases high-voltage electrons into the air that produce ions with active oxygen and negative charges that kill viruses, bacteria and other disease-laden particles.